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Control of glyphosate/glufosinate-resistant volunteer corn in corn resistant to aryloxyphenoxypropionates
Weed Technology ( IF 1.3 ) Pub Date : 2020-04-13 , DOI: 10.1017/wet.2020.41
Adam Striegel , Nevin C. Lawrence , Stevan Z. Knezevic , Jeffrey T. Krumm , Gary Hein , Amit J. Jhala

Corn-on-corn production systems, common in highly productive irrigated fields in South Central Nebraska, can create issues with volunteer corn management in corn fields. EnlistTM corn is a new multiple herbicide–resistance trait providing resistance to 2,4-D, glyphosate, and the aryloxyphenoxypropionate herbicides (FOPs), commonly integrated in glufosinate-resistant germplasm. The objectives of this study were to (1) evaluate ACCase-inhibiting herbicides for glyphosate/glufosinate-resistant volunteer corn control in Enlist corn and (2) evaluate the effect of ACCase-inhibiting herbicide application timing (early POST vs. late POST) on volunteer corn control, Enlist corn injury, and yield. Field experiments were conducted in 2018 and 2019 at South Central Agricultural Laboratory near Clay Center, NE. Glyphosate/glufosinate-resistant corn harvested the year prior was cross-planted at 49,000 seeds ha–1 to mimic volunteer corn in this study. After 7 to 10 d had passed, Enlist corn was planted at 91,000 seeds ha–1. Application timing of FOPs (fluazifop, quizalofop, and fluazifop/fenoxaprop) had no effect on Enlist corn injury or yield, and provided 97% to 99% control of glyphosate/glufosinate-resistant volunteer corn at 28 d after treatment (DAT). Cyclohexanediones (clethodim and sethoxydim; DIMs) and phenylpyrazolin (pinoxaden; DEN) provided 84% to 98% and 65% to 71% control of volunteer corn at 28 DAT, respectively; however, the treatment resulted in 62% to 96% Enlist corn injury and 69% to 98% yield reduction. Orthogonal contrasts comparing early-POST (30-cm-tall volunteer corn) and late-POST (50-cm-tall volunteer corn) applications of FOPs were not significant for volunteer corn control, Enlist corn injury, and yield. Fluazifop, quizalofop, and fluazifop/fenoxaprop resulted in 94% to 99% control of glyphosate/glufosinate-resistant volunteer corn with no associated Enlist corn injury or yield loss; however, quizalofop is the only labeled product as of 2020 for control of volunteer corn in Enlist corn.



玉米生产系统在内布拉斯加州中南部的高产灌溉田中很常见,可能会给玉米田的志愿玉米管理带来问题。入伍TM值玉米是一种新的多重除草剂抗性性状,可提供对 2,4-D、草甘膦和芳氧基苯氧基丙酸酯除草剂 (FOP) 的抗性,这些除草剂通常整合在抗草铵膦种质中。本研究的目的是(1)评估 ACCase 抑制除草剂在 Enlist 玉米中用于抗草甘膦/草铵膦的志愿玉米控制和(2)评估 ACCase 抑制除草剂施用时间(早期 POST 与晚期 POST)对志愿玉米控制,征用玉米损伤和产量。田间试验于 2018 年和 2019 年在内布拉斯加州克莱中心附近的中南部农业实验室进行。前一年收获的抗草甘膦/草铵膦玉米在 49,000 公顷种子上进行了交叉种植–1在这项研究中模仿志愿者玉米。7 到 10 天后,Enlist 玉米种植面积为 91,000 公顷–1. FOPs(fluazifop、quizalofop和fluazifop/fenoxaprop)的施用时机对Enlist玉米的伤害或产量没有影响,并且在处理后28天(DAT)提供了97%至99%的抗草甘膦/草铵膦志愿玉米的控制。环己二酮(烯草酮和sethoxydim;DIMs)和苯基吡唑啉(pinoxaden;DEN)在 28 DAT 时分别提供 84% 至 98% 和 65% 至 71% 的志愿玉米控制;然而,该处理导​​致 62% 至 96% 的 Enlist 玉米损伤和 69% 至 98% 的减产。比较 FOPs 的早期 POST(30 厘米高的志愿玉米)和后期 POST(50 厘米高的志愿玉米)应用的正交对比对于志愿玉米控制、征用玉米损伤和产量没有显着意义。氟唑磷、喹唑啉、和氟唑磷/非诺沙普导致对草甘膦/草铵膦抗性志愿玉米的控制率为 94% 至 99%,没有相关的 Enlist 玉米损伤或产量损失;然而,截至 2020 年,quizalofop 是唯一一种用于控制 Enlist 玉米中的志愿玉米的标签产品。