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Geochemical and mineralogical characterization of sediments from Lake Futalaufquen (42.8°S, Andean Patagonia) to evaluate their potential as paleoclimatic proxies
Quaternary Research ( IF 1.7 ) Pub Date : 2020-06-03 , DOI: 10.1017/qua.2020.34
Romina Daga , Sergio Ribeiro Guevara , Andrea Rizzo , Polona Vreča , Sonja Lojen , Natalia Williams , Telma Musso , Valeria León , Daniel Poiré , Marina Arcagni , María Arribére

Lake sediments are key archives for paleoenvironmental investigation as they provide continuous records of the depositional history of the lake and its watershed. Lake Futalaufquen (42.8°S) is an oligotrophic waterbody located in Los Alerces National Park in the Andes of northern Patagonia, South America. A sedimentary sequence covering 1600 years was recovered to analyze the potential for paleoenvironmental reconstructions of the last millennia. Integration of different geochemical and mineralogical parameters and comparison with climatic reconstructions from other Patagonian records give clues for the identification of a warm period around AD 800–1000, associated with the Medieval Climatic Anomaly. The high frequency of tephra layers beginning in the mid-sixteenth century precludes identification of the Little Ice Age, recorded in northern Patagonia as a cold period from the fourteenth to the eighteenth century. Furthermore, the parameters analysed do not provide evidence of late-twentieth-century global warming. However, Zn deposition, a long-distance atmospheric transport process of anthropogenic origin, was identified during the last century.



湖泊沉积物是古环境调查的重要档案,因为它们提供了湖泊及其流域沉积历史的连续记录。富塔劳夫昆湖(南纬 42.8°)是一个贫营养水体,位于南美洲巴塔哥尼亚北部安第斯山脉的洛斯阿勒塞斯国家公园。恢复了覆盖 1600 年的沉积序列,以分析过去几千年古环境重建的潜力。不同地球化学和矿物学参数的整合以及与其他巴塔哥尼亚记录的气候重建的比较为识别与中世纪气候异常相关的公元 800-1000 年左右的暖期提供了线索。从 16 世纪中叶开始的火山灰层的高频率排除了小冰河时代的识别,在巴塔哥尼亚北部记录为十四至十八世纪的寒冷时期。此外,所分析的参数并未提供二十世纪后期全球变暖的证据。然而,在上个世纪,人们发现了人为造成的长距离大气迁移过程 Zn 沉降。