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The plight of the Endangered mountain gazelle Gazella gazella
Oryx ( IF 2.2 ) Pub Date : 2020-06-10 , DOI: 10.1017/s003060531900108x
Yoram Yom-Tov , Amir Balaban , Ezra Hadad , Gilad Weil , Uri Roll

The Endangered mountain gazelle Gazella gazella was once widespread throughout the Levant. Over the past 100 years its population fluctuated greatly as a result of various anthropogenic threats and disturbances. We review the dynamics of the mountain gazelle throughout this period in Israel, its last remaining stronghold, with c. 5,000 individuals. During the 20th century Israel's human population increased steadily at an annual rate of 2%; the population density is currently 430 persons per km2 and is forecast to increase further. This presents an array of threats to the mountain gazelle, including habitat change, fragmentation and isolation by roads, railways and fences, poaching, road kills and predation by increasing populations of natural predators and feral dogs, sustained partly by anthropogenic food waste. These threats may act in synergy to amplify their effects. We present an overview of how these factors acted in the past and are currently threatening the survival of this species. We also review the policy and management actions, both implemented and still required, to ensure the persistence of the mountain gazelle. In addition, we analyse connectivity in the landscape, highlighting highly fragmented gazelle populations, and suggest potential interventions. The mountain gazelle exemplifies an ungulate with both great vulnerability to human pressures and a large breeding potential. As more regions, in Israel and elsewhere, are converted to human dominated landscapes, pressures on wildlife are increasing, and lessons from the mountain gazelle could prove valuable.


濒临灭绝的高山瞪羚 Gazella Gazella 的困境

濒临灭绝的高山瞪羚瞪羚瞪羚曾经广泛分布于整个黎凡特。在过去的 100 年里,由于各种人为威胁和干扰,其人口波动很大。我们用 c. 回顾了整个时期在以色列(其最后一个据点)的山地瞪羚的动态。5,000 人。在 20 世纪,以色列的人口以每年 2% 的速度稳步增长;目前人口密度为每公里430人2并且预计会进一步增加。这对山瞪羚提出了一系列威胁,包括栖息地变化、道路、铁路和围栏造成的分裂和隔离、偷猎、道路杀戮和天敌和野狗数量增加造成的捕食,部分原因是人为食物浪费。这些威胁可能会协同作用以放大其影响。我们概述了这些因素过去是如何发挥作用的,目前正在威胁该物种的生存。我们还审查了已实施和仍然需要的政策和管理行动,以确保山瞪羚的持久性。此外,我们分析了景观中的连通性,突出了高度分散的瞪羚种群,并提出了潜在的干预措施。山瞪羚是有蹄类动物的例证,它对人类压力的脆弱性和巨大的繁殖潜力。随着越来越多的地区,在以色列和其他地方,转变为人类主导的景观,野生动物面临的压力越来越大,山瞪羚的经验可能被证明是有价值的。