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Filament simulations in regions of highly-varying parallel connection length
Journal of Plasma Physics ( IF 2.1 ) Pub Date : 2020-06-10 , DOI: 10.1017/s0022377820000562
B. Shanahan , P. Huslage

The island divertor topology of the Wendelstein 7-X (W7-X) scrape-off-layer exhibits regions of highly varying connection length. Here, we present drift-plane simulations of seeded filaments in regions of sharp transitions in parallel connection length – a parameter which dictates the propagation regime for plasma blobs. It is determined that a transition in parallel connection length alters the trajectory of filaments; filaments which enter regions of lower connection length are decelerated, and vice versa. It is also determined that if the lobes of a potential dipole created by diamagnetic drifts within the filament exist in two regions of distinct parallel connection length, the filament is then steered towards the region of higher connection length. The extreme case of a narrow region of varying connection length can also alter the trajectory of a filament, depending on the extent of this region. Finally, simulations mimicking the view from the W7-X gas puff imaging (GPI) diagnostic view plane are presented. It is determined that filaments in the view of the W7-X GPI diagnostic exhibit a predominantly poloidal propagation due to the radial electric field, since the radial velocity is relatively small.



Wendelstein 7-X (W7-X) 刮除层的岛偏滤器拓扑显示出连接长度变化很大的区域。在这里,我们提出了平行连接长度急剧转变区域中种子细丝的漂移平面模拟——该参数决定了等离子体团的传播方式。确定并联连接长度的过渡改变了灯丝的轨迹;进入较低连接长度区域的细丝被减速,并且反之亦然. 还确定如果由灯丝内的抗磁漂移产生的潜在偶极子的瓣存在于两个具有不同并联连接长度的区域中,则灯丝随后被转向具有较高连接长度的区域。连接长度不同的狭窄区域的极端情况也可以改变灯丝的轨迹,具体取决于该区域的范围。最后,提出了模拟 W7-X 气体喷吹成像 (GPI) 诊断视图平面的视图的模拟。已确定,在 W7-X GPI 诊断视图中,由于径向电场,细丝主要表现出极向传播,因为径向速度相对较小。