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Special Issue: Advanced Materials
Israel Journal of Chemistry ( IF 2.3 ) Pub Date : 2020-06-09 , DOI: 10.1002/ijch.202000047
Konstantin Borodianskiy , Dan Meyerstein , Haya Kornweitz

The broad field of Advanced Materials, which affected humanity since the Stone Age, has always been highly interdisciplinary, spanning all scientific disciplines, including chemistry, physics, biology, as well as the corresponding engineering fields. The main classes of materials studied today include ceramics, metallic materials, polymers and composites, all at size scale ranging from macro to nano. The composition and structure of each material determine their chemical, mechanical and physical properties, and their performance. The rapid progress of nano‐materials is reflected by their multiple applications, which harness their large surface area and unique quantum effects that arise from their design at the atomic and molecular scale.

Advanced Materials contribute significantly to every aspect of our lives, serving as structural engineering materials, biomaterials, essential components in the automotive, aerospace and marine transportation industries, just to name a few. Technological challenges and environmental considerations lead to the development and study of specialized materials for specific applications, such as environmentally friendly and biodegradable materials, materials for handling and managing of radioactive waste, materials for developing solar cells, fuel cells, electronic materials, semiconductors, smart materials, shape memory alloys, and many others.

This special issue contains eighteen reviews and original research articles that cover recent developments in the fields of advanced materials, synthesis and characterization. These studies cover state of the art topics in biomaterial applications, materials related to green chemistry, synthesis and characterization of nano‐materials, computational material sciences, quantum phenomena, advanced ceramic materials, and surface engineering. We take this opportunity to thank all authors and reviewers who contributed to this endeavor.

We dedicate this special issue to Professor Michael Zinigrad of Ariel University on the occasion of his 75th birthday. Prof. Zinigrad has greatly contributed to the field of modeling and simulation of advanced materials, and especially to high temperature physico‐chemical processes. His research achievements provided in‐depth understanding of the physical and chemical aspects of welding, joining and build‐up processes. He has established the Materials Research Center at Ariel University and served as the Dean of the Natural Sciences Faculty and the Rector of the University. In parallel to his administrative responsibilities, Michael continued his cutting‐edge research in the field of Advanced Materials. Michael has become a scientific leader and a good friend of all his colleagues. We wish him happy birthday and many more healthy and fruitful years.


Finally, we would like to thank Prof. Ehud Keinan, Prof. Charles E. Diesendruck and Dr. Brian Johnson for their kind help in editing this special issue. It has been our honor and privilege serving as Guest Editors.

Konstantin Borodianskiy

Dan Meyerstein

Haya Kornweitz








最后,我们要感谢Ehud Keinan教授,Charles E. Diesendruck教授和Brian Johnson博士在编辑本期特刊中所提供的帮助。担任客座编辑一直是我们的荣幸。

康斯坦丁·波罗迪斯基(Konstantin Borodianskiy)


