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The wool proteome and fibre characteristics of three distinct genetic ovine breeds from Portugal.
Journal of Proteomics ( IF 2.8 ) Pub Date : 2020-06-10 , DOI: 10.1016/j.jprot.2020.103853
Jeffrey E Plowman 1 , Duane P Harland 1 , Alexandre M O Campos 2 , Severiano Rocha E Silva 3 , Ancy Thomas 1 , James A Vernon 1 , Chikako van Koten 1 , Charles Hefer 1 , Stefan Clerens 1 , André M de Almeida 4

Wool properties and commodity value vary considerably between breeds. In Portugal, three major ovine groups exist: Churros, Bordaleiros and Merinos. This work studies the effect of the ovine genotype on the wool proteome of such groups. Wool was collected from 15 ewes/breed and genetic groups: Churra da Terra Quente (CTQ) or Churro, Serra da Estrela (SE) or Bordaleiro and Merino Branco (MB) or Merino. Proteins were extracted and subjected to label-free proteomics analysis. A total of 50 keratinous protein groups were identified in all the samples, divided into type I and II keratins and the keratin associated proteins: high-glycine-tyrosine proteins, ultra-high sulphur proteins and high-sulphur proteins. Major differences were found between MB and CTQ with respect to K75 and K38, both medullar proteins and to a lesser extent between SE and CTQ suggesting that these might be good markers for this trait in wool. Partial least squares discriminatory analysis proved MB to be readily distinguishable from the other two breeds. Further differences were noted in keratin associated protein levels between the three breeds, normally an indicator of higher levels of orthocortex and also their relationship to high curvature, high crimp fibres like Merino.

Biological significance

The ovine genetic type has strong effects on wool productivity parameters and quality traits. In this work, we compare the proteomes and the microscopical characteristics of the wool from three distinct ovine genetic types from Portugal: Merino, Bordaleiro and Churro. Important differences were found regarding keratin associated proteins and keratins K75 and K38, suggested as putative markers for quality traits in the wool proteome such as the average curvature.



不同品种之间的羊毛特性和商品价值差异很大。在葡萄牙,存在三个主要的绵羊群体:Churros,Bordaleiros和Merinos。这项工作研究了绵羊基因型对这类人群的羊毛蛋白质组的影响。羊毛来自15个母羊/种和遗传群体:Churra da Terra Quente(CTQ)或Churro,Serra da Estrela(SE)或Bordaleiro和Merino Branco(MB)或美丽诺。提取蛋白质并进行无标记蛋白质组学分析。在所有样品中总共鉴定出50个角蛋白蛋白质组,分为I型和II型角蛋白以及与角蛋白相关的蛋白:高甘氨酸酪氨酸蛋白,超高硫蛋白和高硫蛋白。在MB和CTQ之间,就髓样蛋白质K75和K38而言,发现了主要差异,而在SE和CTQ之间,则差异较小,这表明这些可能是羊毛中该性状的良好标志。偏最小二乘判别分析证明MB可以轻易与其他两个品种区分开。注意到这三个品种之间的角蛋白相关蛋白水平存在进一步的差异,这通常是正常皮质水平较高的指标,以及它们与高曲率的关系,


