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A network of superconducting gravimeters as a detector of matter with feeble nongravitational coupling
The European Physical Journal D ( IF 1.5 ) Pub Date : 2020-06-11 , DOI: 10.1140/epjd/e2020-10069-8
Wenxiang Hu , Matthew M. Lawson , Dmitry Budker , Nataniel L. Figueroa , Derek F. Jackson Kimball , Allen P. Mills , Christian Voigt


Hidden matter that interacts only gravitationally would oscillate at characteristic frequencies when trapped inside of Earth. For small oscillations near the center of the Earth, these frequencies are around 300 μHz. Additionally, signatures at higher harmonics would appear because of the non-uniformity of Earth’s density. In this work, we use data from a global network of gravimeters of the International Geodynamics and Earth Tide Service (IGETS) to look for these hypothetical trapped objects. We find no evidence for such objects with masses on the order of 1014 kg or greater with an oscillation amplitude of 0.1 re. It may be possible to improve the sensitivity of the search by several orders of magnitude via better understanding of the terrestrial noise sources and more advanced data analysis.

Graphical abstract




仅在重力作用下的隐藏物质被困在地球内部时会以特征频率振荡。对于地球中心附近的小振荡,这些频率约为300μHz。此外,由于地球密度的不均匀性,会出现高次谐波的信号。在这项工作中,我们使用来自国际地球动力学和地球潮汐服务(IGETS)的重力仪全球网络的数据来寻找这些假想的被困物体。我们没有找到质量为10 14  kg或更大且振动幅度为0.1 r e的物体的证据。。通过更好地了解地面噪声源和更高级的数据分析,有可能将搜索的灵敏度提高几个数量级。

