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Ecological impact and cost-effectiveness of wildlife crossings in a highly fragmented landscape: a multi-method approach
Landscape Ecology ( IF 4.0 ) Pub Date : 2020-06-09 , DOI: 10.1007/s10980-020-01047-z
Frans J. Sijtsma , Eelke van der Veen , Arjen van Hinsberg , Rogier Pouwels , Renée Bekker , René E. van Dijk , Mark Grutters , Raymond Klaassen , Margriet Krijn , Maarten Mouissie , Eddy Wymenga

Context Road infrastructure construction is integral to economic development, but negatively affects biodiversity. To mitigate the negative impacts of infrastructure, various types of wildlife crossings are realized worldwide, but little is known about their effectiveness, and cost-effectiveness. Objective The paper contributes to the methodological and empirical discussion on the effectiveness of wildlife crossings for enhancing the quality of surrounding nature and its cost-effectiveness by analyzing a large-scale wildlife-crossings program in the Netherlands. Method A multi-criteria cost–benefit analysis is applied, comprised of monetary and non-monetary measures, and a mixed-method approach is used to determine ecological effects. Ecological effects are expressed in the standardized weighted hectare measurement of threat-weighted ecological quality area (1 T-EQA = 1 ha of 100% ecological quality, averagely threatened). Cost-effectiveness is calculated comparing the monetary costs of intervention with ecological benefits (Euro costs/T-EQA), for different types of wildlife crossings and for two other nature policies. Results The Dutch habitat defragmentation program has induced an increase in nature value of 1734 T-EQA at a cost of Euro 283 million. Ecological gains per hierarchically ordered groups of measures differ strongly: The most effective are ecoducts (wildlife crossing bridges) followed by shared-use viaducts and large fauna tunnels. Ecoducts generated the largest gain in nature value, but were also the most costly measures. In terms of cost-effectiveness, both large fauna tunnels and shared-use viaducts for traffic and animals outperformed ecoducts. Conclusions Ecoducts deliver ecologically, but their cost-effectiveness appears modest. Purchasing agricultural land for restoration of nature appears more cost-effective than building wildlife crossings. Yet, reducing environmental pressures or their effects on existing nature areas is likely to be most cost-effective.



背景 道路基础设施建设是经济发展不可或缺的一部分,但会对生物多样性产生负面影响。为了减轻基础设施的负面影响,世界范围内实现了各种类型的野生动物穿越,但对其有效性和成本效益知之甚少。目标 本文通过分析荷兰的大型野生动物杂交计划,对野生动物杂交在提高周围自然质量及其成本效益方面的有效性进行了方法论和实证讨论。方法 采用多标准成本效益分析,包括货币和非货币措施,并使用混合方法来确定生态效应。生态影响以威胁加权生态质量区域的标准化加权公顷测量值表示(1 T-EQA = 1 公顷 100% 生态质量,平均受威胁)。成本效益是通过比较干预的货币成本与生态效益(欧元成本/T-EQA)、不同类型的野生动物穿越和其他两种自然政策来计算的。结果 荷兰栖息地碎片整理计划以 2.83 亿欧元的成本使自然价值增加了​​ 1734 T-EQA。每个按等级排序的措施组的生态收益差异很大:最有效的是生态管道(野生动物穿越桥梁),其次是共用高架桥和大型动物群隧道。生态产品带来的自然价值收益最大,但也是成本最高的措施。在性价比方面,用于交通和动物的大型动物隧道和共用高架桥的表现都优于生态管道。结论 Ecoducts 提供生态效益,但其成本效益似乎不大。购买农业用地来恢复自然似乎比建造野生动物通道更具成本效益。然而,减少环境压力或其对现有自然区域的影响可能是最具成本效益的。