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Long time existence of classical solutions for the rotating Euler equations and related models in the optimal Sobolev space
Nonlinearity ( IF 1.6 ) Pub Date : 2020-06-08 , DOI: 10.1088/1361-6544/ab86cf
Houyu Jia 1 , Renhui Wan 2

Koh Y et al (2014 J. Differ. Equ. 256 704–44) proved the long time existence of classical solutions to the 3D rotating Euler equations for initial data in the Sobolev space ##IMG## [http://ej.iop.org/images/0951-7715/33/8/3763/nonab86cfieqn1.gif] {${H}^{s}\left({\mathbb{R}}^{3}\right)$} ( s > 7/2). Here we improve their assumed regularity and weaken the lower bound of the rotating speed by establishing a new low-frequency Strichartz estimate and taking two different measures to dominate the Lip norm of the velocity. As an application, we derive similar results for some related models.



Koh Y等人(2014 J. Differ。Equ。256 704–44)证明了Sobolev空间## IMG ##中初始数据的3D旋转Euler方程经典解决方案的长期存在。 iop.org/images/0951-7715/33/8/3763/nonab86cfieqn1.gif] {$ {H} ^ {s} \ left({\ mathbb {R}} ^ {3} \ right)$}(s > 7/2)。在这里,我们通过建立新的低频Strichartz估计并采取两种不同的方法来控制速度的Lip范数来改善它们的假定规律性并削弱旋转速度的下限。作为应用程序,我们可以为某些相关模型得出相似的结果。