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Blockchain-Based Differential Privacy Cost Management System
arXiv - CS - Databases Pub Date : 2020-06-08 , DOI: arxiv-2006.04693
Leong Mei Han, Yang Zhao, Jun Zhao

Privacy preservation is a big concern for various sectors. To protect individual user data, one emerging technology is differential privacy. However, it still has limitations for datasets with frequent queries, such as the fast accumulation of privacy cost. To tackle this limitation, this paper explores the integration of a secured decentralised ledger, blockchain. Blockchain will be able to keep track of all noisy responses generated with differential privacy algorithm and allow for certain queries to reuse old responses. In this paper, a demo of a proposed blockchain-based privacy management system is designed as an interactive decentralised web application (DApp). The demo created illustrates that leveraging on blockchain will allow the total privacy cost accumulated to decrease significantly.



隐私保护是各行各业都非常关心的问题。为了保护个人用户数据,一项新兴技术是差分隐私。但是,对于查询频繁的数据集,它仍然存在局限性,例如隐私成本的快速积累。为了解决这个限制,本文探讨了安全分散式分类账区块链的集成。区块链将能够跟踪使用差分隐私算法生成的所有嘈杂响应,并允许某些查询重用旧响应。在本文中,所提出的基于区块链的隐私管理系统的演示被设计为交互式分散式 Web 应用程序 (DApp)。创建的演示说明,利用区块链将使累积的总隐私成本显着降低。