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The Shipwreck of the Airship “Dirigibile Italia” in the 1928 Polar Venture: A Retrospective Analysis of the Ionospheric and Geomagnetic Conditions
Space Weather ( IF 3.8 ) Pub Date : 2020-07-02 , DOI: 10.1029/2020sw002459
B. Zolesi 1 , M. Pezzopane 1 , C. Bianchi 1 , A. Meloni 1 , Lj. R. Cander 2 , R. Tozzi 1

On 25 May 1928 the airship “Dirigibile Italia” during its return trip to the base in NyAlesund, after overflying the North Pole, shipwrecked on the ice‐pack in a region at about 400 km northeast of Svalbard Islands. Survivors, by using a portable high frequency (HF) radio transmitter, tried unsuccessfully to send SOS messages and to establish a radio link with the ship “Città di Milano” of the Italian Navy, closely anchored at King's Bay. Only after 9 days of repeated radio‐distress transmissions, a Russian radio amateur close to the town of Arkhangelsk about 1,900 km away was able to receive the messages launched by the survivors and raise the alarm. This paper aims at giving a retrospective analysis of the ionospheric and geomagnetic conditions of that epoch in order to explain the HF radio communications problems encountered by the survivors. The International Reference Ionosphere model has been applied, and early geomagnetic measurements have been evaluated, to come up with theories explaining the events. We assert the HF transmission difficulties were associated with the “radio silent” or “dead zones” associated with F‐region propagation. These may have been exacerbated by solar and geomagnetically disturbed conditions of the days immediately following the airship wreck.



1928年5月25日,“ Dirigibile Italia”飞艇在飞越北极后返回新奥尔良基地时,在斯瓦尔巴群岛的东北约400公里处的一个冰袋中遇难。幸存者使用便携式高频(HF)无线电发射器尝试发送SOS消息并与紧密锚定在国王湾的意大利海军“Cittàdi Milano”轮建立无线电链路,但未成功。经过连续9天的无线电遇难广播,只有大约1900公里外的阿尔汉格尔斯克镇附近的一名俄罗斯无线电业余爱好者才能够接收幸存者发出的消息并发出警报。本文旨在对该时期的电离层和地磁条件进行回顾性分析,以解释幸存者遇到的HF无线电通信问题。国际参考电离层模型已经被应用,并且早期的地磁测量已经被评估,以提出解释这些事件的理论。我们断定,HF传输困难与与F区传播相关的“无线电静默”或“死区”有关。飞艇残骸发生后的几天,这些因素可能会因太阳和地磁干扰而加剧。我们断定,HF传输困难与与F区传播相关的“无线电静默”或“死区”有关。飞艇残骸发生后的几天,这些因素可能会因太阳和地磁干扰而加剧。我们断定,HF传输困难与与F区传播相关的“无线电静默”或“死区”有关。在飞艇残骸发生后的几天里,太阳和地磁干扰可能加剧了这些情况。