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Somatosensory cortical facilitation during step preparation restored by an improved body representation in obese patients.
Gait & Posture ( IF 2.2 ) Pub Date : 2020-06-09 , DOI: 10.1016/j.gaitpost.2020.06.002
Marie Fabre 1 , Pascale Chavet 2 , Théo Fornerone 1 , Benjamin Juan 1 , Olivier Abossolo 3 , Fabrice Pardo 3 , Jean Blouin 1 , Lionel Dany 4 , Laurence Mouchnino 1


The anticipatory postural adjustments (APA) associated with step initiation are impaired in obese patients (e.g. longer duration, greater lateral center of pressure excursion). This could arise from the known altered internal representation of the body in obese individuals as this representation is crucial for enhancing the processing of foot cutaneous inputs prior to step initiation and for setting the APA.

Research question

The purpose of the study was to examine if the processing of foot cutaneous inputs and the preparation of the APA when planning a step are impaired in obese patients due to their damaged body internal representation (BIR). We also investigated whether these sensorimotor processes will be restored after a 15-day intervention program composed of motor and cognitive activities engaging the BIR without aiming weight loss.


We compared, prior to (D1) and after (D15) the program, the amplitude of the cortical response evoked by foot cutaneous stimulation (SEP) occurring either during quiet standing or during the planning of a step in 18 obese patients (mean body mass index, BMI: 35). The APA were analyzed by measuring the amplitude and latency of the lateral force exerted on the ground.

Results and significance

The SEP amplitude was not significantly different between the standing and stepping tasks at D1, but increased in the stepping task at D15. This enhanced sensory processing was associated with an increased activation of the posterior parietal cortex, suggesting a stronger involvement of the body representation during the planning of the stepping movement after the program. These cortical changes could have contributed to the changes in the temporal dimension of the APA observed at D15. These results suggest that programs targeting different dimensions of the BIR could be beneficial in improving the dynamic balance in obesity.










