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Seasonal Development of Plant Bugs (Heteroptera, Miridae): Subfamily Mirinae, Tribe Mirini
Entomological Review Pub Date : 2020-06-09 , DOI: 10.1134/s0013873820020013
A. Kh. Saulich , D. L. Musolin


The available data on seasonal development of plant bugs (Mirinae: Mirini) are reviewed, and the level of understanding of their seasonal adaptations is evaluated. The ecological responses involved in control of seasonal development of 14 species from 5 genera (Adelphocoris, Apolygus, Lygus, Lygocoris, and Stenotus) are analyzed in detail. All the studied species are broadly polyphagous and produce a varying number of annual generations in different climatic zones. The studied members of four genera, namely Adelphocoris, Apolygus, Lygocoris, and Stenotus, hibernate at the embryonic stage while bugs of the genus Lygus do so at the adult stage. Some species of the genera Adelphocoris and Lygus, in particular Lygus pratensis, have acquired a pronounced ability to fly over long distances, facilitating the search for flowering vegetation. However, unlike many insects that make distant migrations in the state of adult diapause, females of plant bugs of the genus Adelphocoris migrate with mature eggs in their oviducts. This feature allows Adelphocoris females to successfully colonize new areas even in the absence of males, since females do not need additional mating in the colonized area. For the majority of Mirini species experimentally studied in the laboratory, the temperature parameters of development and the sum of effective temperatures needed to complete the full generation were calculated. When combined with observations done under natural conditions, these data allowed us to determine the exact number of annual generations produced by the species or population. The role of day length in the control of seasonal development was analyzed in detail in three species of the genus Adelphocoris: A. triannulatus, A. suturalis, and A. lineolatus. The conditions inducing and terminating adult diapause were studied in detail in Lygus hesperus in the southern United States. The seasonal development of Lygocoris pabulinus is an unusual example of an obligate host plant change during the year. The diapausing eggs of this species overwinter in the tissues of woody plants but the nymphs then migrate onto herbaceous plants on which the summer generations develop. Such a seasonal strategy is more characteristic of aphids (Homoptera) than of true bugs (Heteroptera). On the whole, our analysis of the available data indicates that the control of seasonal development of plant bugs of the subfamily Mirinae is still poorly understood despite their high economic importance. Most reports deal with a small number of experimentally studied species and are limited to the data on temperature parameters of development. The important role of photoperiodic adaptations in the control of seasonal development has been demonstrated only for a few well-studied species (e.g., Adelphocoris triannulatus); such data are crucial for analysis and prediction of seasonal development and spread of harmful and beneficial insects, since the seasonal cycle of each population of a given species is strictly synchronized with the local conditions.




审查了有关植物臭虫(Mirinae:Mirini)的季节性发育的可用数据,并评估了其季节性适应的理解水平。参与从5属(14种季节性发展的控制该生态反应苜蓿Apolygus草盲蝽LygocorisStenotus)进行了详细分析。所有研究的物种均为广泛的食虫性,在不同的气候带产生不同数量的年代。四个属的研究成员,即AdelphocorisApolygusLygocorisStenotus,在胚胎期冬眠,而Lygus属的虫子在成虫期冬眠。AdelphocorisLygus属的某些物种,特别是盲LyLygus pratensis),具有明显的长距离飞行能力,有助于寻找开花的植物。但是,与许多成年滞育状态下会发生远距离迁移的昆虫不同,Adelphocoris属植物昆虫的雌性会在其输卵管中与成熟卵一起迁移。此功能允许Adelphocoris雌性即使在没有雄性的情况下也可以成功地在新地区定居,因为雌性不需要在定植区域中进行额外的交配。对于在实验室中进行实验研究的大多数Mirini物种,计算了发育的温度参数和完成完整世代所需的有效温度之和。与在自然条件下进行的观察相结合,这些数据使我们能够确定该物种或种群产生的年代的确切数量。日长度在季节性发展控制中的作用进行了详细的分析的三种属的AdelphocorisA. triannulatusA. suturalisA. lineolatus。诱导和终止成年滞育的条件在美国南部的百叶草(Lygus hesperus)中进行了详细研究。石蒜天牛的季节发育是一年中专性寄主植物变化的不寻常例子。该物种的滞育性卵在木本植物的组织中越冬,但若虫随后迁移到夏季世代生长的草本植物上。这种季节性策略比真正的虫子(异翅目)更具蚜虫(同翅目)的特征。总体而言,我们对现有数据的分析表明,尽管Mirinae亚科的植物虫具有很高的经济重要性,但对它们的季节性发育的控制仍知之甚少。大多数报告只涉及少数经过实验研究的物种,并且仅限于发育温度参数的数据。光周期适应在控制季节发育中的重要作用仅在少数经过充分研究的物种(例如,Adelphocoris triannulatus); 这些数据对于分析和预测有害和有益昆虫的季节性发展和传播至关重要,因为给定物种的每个种群的季节周期都严格与当地条件同步。