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The First Data on the Bionomics of the Solitary Wasp Euodynerus fastidiosus (De Saussure) (Hymenoptera, Vespidae: Eumeninae)
Entomological Review Pub Date : 2020-06-09 , DOI: 10.1134/s0013873820020062
A. V. Fateryga


Bionomics of Euodynerus fastidiosus (de Saussure) was studied in Crimea. One nest located in an old burrow of Cicadatra querula (Pallas) and 13 nests located in the cells of old nests of Sceliphron spp. were examined. The nests contained 1–4 cells separated by partitions made of soil mastic which the wasps prepared by mixing dry earth with water. The lateral cell walls were also covered with soil mastic in some nests. Female wasps hunted the larvae of moths and skippers of the families Pyralidae, Crambidae, and Hesperiidae; 2–11 larvae were stored in each cell. Adult feeding was recorded on flowers of Apocynaceae and Plumbaginaceae. Euodynerus fastidiosus is a bivoltine species with hibernation at the prepupal stage. Fights between nesting females, considerably slowing down the nest construction, were recorded. The parasitic wasp Melittobia acasta Walker and the cuckoo wasp Chrysis sexdentata Christ were found in the nests. The reproductive success was 38%. The role of nest tenantry, i.e., settling in nests of other wasps and bees, in the evolution of the nest building behavior in the genus Euodynerus is discussed.


关于独生黄蜂Eudynerus fastidiosus(De Saussure)的生物学研究的第一份数据(膜翅目,维斯皮科:Eumeninae)


在克里米亚研究了Euodynerus fastidiosus(de Saussure)的生物学。一个巢位于Caladatra querula)(Pallas)的一个旧洞穴中,另外13个巢位于Scieliphron spp的旧巢中。被检查。巢中有1-4个细胞,这些细胞由由乳香土制成的隔板隔开,黄蜂通过将干土与水混合而制得。在一些巢穴中,细胞侧壁也被土壤胶泥覆盖。雌性黄蜂捕食了Pyralidae,Crmbidae和Hesperiidae家族的蛾类幼虫和队长。每个池中储存2-11个幼虫。记录了成年的夹竹桃科和李子科的花朵。欧氏古猿是双足动物,在pu前期处于冬眠状态。记录了雌性筑巢之间的争斗,这大大减慢了筑巢的速度。在巢穴中发现了寄生黄蜂Melittobia acasta Walker和杜鹃黄蜂Chrysis sexdentata Christ。繁殖成功率为38%。讨论了巢房承租人(Eudynerus属)在筑巢行为演变中的作用,即安顿在其他黄蜂和蜜蜂的巢中。