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Factors Related to Animal Neglect in Brazilian Laboratories
Alternatives to Laboratory Animals ( IF 2.4 ) Pub Date : 2020-01-01 , DOI: 10.1177/0261192920911341
Vanessa Carli Bones 1 , Carla Forte Maiolino Molento 2

Our objectives were to identify the prevalence of negligence of laboratory animals in Brazil, to determine the primary factors associated with its occurrence and to suggest prevention strategies. A questionnaire was made available online between October 2015 and March 2016. A total of 116 respondents with experience in the use of laboratory animals and/or the use of alternative methods answered the questionnaire. Most respondents were women (77 respondents, 66.4%), a significant proportion had a degree in Veterinary Medicine (31 respondents, 27.2%), and a majority used animals in their work (88 respondents, 75.9%). Of the 88 animal users, 23 supplied information on the numbers and species of animals they used. When asked whether they knew that Brazilian law forbade animal experimentation when alternative methods exist, seven (9.1%) respondents mentioned Act 9605/1998. Most, but not all, respondents (96 respondents, 82.8%) submitted their projects to an Animal Use and Ethics Committee (AUEC), and many (65 respondents, 56%) reported their belief that animal neglect occurred at their institution. Negligence was found to be associated with: institutions where the numbers of animals used were not recorded (p = 0.008); institutions where respondents were unaware of the relevant legislation, that is, Act 9605/1998 (p = 0.042); or where there was evidence that not all project proposals were submitted to the AUEC or evidence of no submissions at all (p = 0.022). Negligence of animals was found to be highly prevalent. Prevention strategies might involve increased transparency to the general public, the empowerment of individuals that work with animals to report any concerns, optimised inspection of facilities where animal work is carried out and significant improvements to the role of AUECs.



我们的目标是确定巴西实验室动物疏忽的普遍性,确定与其发生相关的主要因素并提出预防策略。2015 年 10 月至 2016 年 3 月期间在线提供了一份问卷。共有 116 名具有使用实验动物和/或使用替代方法经验的受访者回答了问卷。大多数受访者是女性(77 名受访者,66.4%),很大一部分人拥有兽医学学位(31 名受访者,27.2%),大多数受访者在工作中使用动物(88 名受访者,75.9%)。在 88 位动物使用者中,有 23 位提供了有关他们使用的动物数量和种类的信息。当被问及他们是否知道存在替代方法时巴西法律禁止动物实验时,七 (9. 1%) 受访者提到了第 9605/1998 号法案。大多数(96 名受访者,82.8%)受访者(96 名受访者,82.8%)将他们的项目提交给动物使用和伦理委员会 (AUEC),许多受访者(65 名受访者,56%)表示他们认为他们的机构存在忽视动物的情况。发现疏忽与: 未记录使用动物数量的机构(p = 0.008);受访者不了解相关立法的机构,即第 9605/1998 号法案 (p = 0.042);或者有证据表明并非所有项目提案都提交给了 AUEC 或根本没有提交的证据 (p = 0.022)。发现动物的疏忽非常普遍。预防策略可能包括提高对公众的透明度,赋予与动物打交道的个人报告任何问题的权力,