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Flow Damping Devices in Tuned Liquid Damper for Structural Vibration Control: A Review
Archives of Computational Methods in Engineering ( IF 9.7 ) Pub Date : 2020-06-08 , DOI: 10.1007/s11831-020-09450-0
Tanmoy Konar , Aparna Dey Ghosh

The tuned liquid damper (TLD) is an attractive option of passive structural vibration control due to distinct advantages of low installation and maintenance costs and easy amenability to design modifications. However, as it has low inherent damping, flow damping devices (FDDs) such as nets, screens, baffles, poles, floating objects, etc., are incorporated in the TLD to enhance its energy dissipation capacity. FDDs induce additional damping by providing hydraulic resistance to the sloshing liquid in the TLD. Each type of FDD has its own specific advantages and disadvantages and it would be beneficial to have a state-of-the-art comparative and comprehensive review of the work that has been carried out on different types of FDDs. This is the focus of the current paper. The present review would help in the assessment of the most suitable FDD for a particular TLD application. An overview of real implementations of TLD-FDD systems in various structures worldwide is provided. Directions of research for further development of FDDs are also identified.



