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Welfare Beyond Consumption: The Benefits of Having Less
Ecological Economics ( IF 6.6 ) Pub Date : 2020-10-01 , DOI: 10.1016/j.ecolecon.2020.106719
Alexandra Hüttel , Ingo Balderjahn , Stefan Hoffmann

Abstract In developed regions worldwide, so-called anti-consumers are increasingly resisting high-level consumption lifestyles or shifting to alternative forms of consumption. A general reduction in consumption levels is considered necessary to attain global sustainability goals. However, knowledge regarding the factors driving people to deliberately consume less and how anti-consumption affects individuals' well-being is limited. Against this background, this study considers the influence of human values and the well-being effects of two types of anti-consumption: voluntary simplicity and collaborative consumption. Based on representative data from the US (N = 1075) and Germany (N = 1070), the findings show that the two anti-consumption types do not reduce the well-being of individuals' but in some cases, even improve it, which suggests that lowering consumption can not only help protect environmental resources but also serve the greater good of society. In particular, this relationship holds among collaborative consumers with a strong need for cognition, i.e., a cognitive thinking style that involves a high level of decision control. According to the study results, opposite value orientations are the drivers of voluntary simplicity and collaborative consumption (i.e., a focus on self-transcendence versus self-enhancement). These findings are comparable in both countries; however, the strength of the effects differs.



摘要 在全球发达地区,所谓的反消费群体越来越抵制高水平的消费生活方式,或转向另类消费。普遍降低消费水平被认为是实现全球可持续发展目标所必需的。然而,关于促使人们刻意减少消费的因素以及反消费如何影响个人福祉的知识是有限的。在此背景下,本研究考虑了人类价值观的影响以及两种反消费的幸福效应:自愿简单和协作消费。根据美国(N = 1075)和德国(N = 1070)的代表性数据,研究结果表明,这两种反消费类型不会降低个人的幸福感,但在某些情况下,甚至会提高它,这表明,降低消费不仅有利于保护环境资源,也有利于社会的更大利益。特别是,这种关系在具有强烈认知需求的协作消费者之间成立,即涉及高度决策控制的认知思维方式。根据研究结果,相反的价值取向是自愿简单和协作消费(即关注自我超越与自我提升)的驱动因素。这些发现在两个国家都具有可比性;但是,效果的强度不同。一种涉及高度决策控制的认知思维方式。根据研究结果,相反的价值取向是自愿简单和协作消费(即关注自我超越与自我提升)的驱动因素。这些发现在两个国家都具有可比性;但是,效果的强度不同。一种涉及高度决策控制的认知思维方式。根据研究结果,相反的价值取向是自愿简单和协作消费(即关注自我超越与自我提升)的驱动因素。这些发现在两个国家都具有可比性;但是,效果的强度不同。