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The role of hydrovolcanism in the formation of the Cenozoic monogenetic volcanic fields of Zealandia
New Zealand Journal of Geology and Geophysics ( IF 1.9 ) Pub Date : 2020-06-04 , DOI: 10.1080/00288306.2020.1770304
Károly Németh 1 , Szabolcs Kósik 1

ABSTRACT Cenozoic geological evolution of New Zealand centres around the formation of Zealandia, a new continent that became detached from the eastern margin of Gondwana around 105 Ma. Spreading opened the Tasman Sea leaving a fragment of continental lithosphere, largely submerged, in the SW Pacific. Throughout the Cenozoic history, volcanism became an integral part of Zealandia. Continental lithosphere provided the basement for the volcanism, both onshore and offshore. Monogenetic volcanism was common throughout the Cenozoic. The availability of water was ubiquitous through surface water bodies (oceans and lakes) and various other terrestrial hydrous systems provided by the humid temperate climate of Zealandia. Hydrovolcanism, both explosive and non-explosive, has played a significant role in Zealandia's volcanic history resulting in volcano mega- architecture involving edifice geology and volcanic hazards. However, hydrovolcanism has commonly been overlooked in Zealandia's monogenetic volcanism context. Cenozoic monogenetic fields of Zealandia provide a unique laboratory and comparative analogy for other volcanic fields on Earth that are associated with low-lying terrestrial settings or shallow marine environments in a humid temperate climate.



摘要新西兰的新生代地质演化以西兰洲的形成为中心,西兰洲是一个新大陆,于 105 Ma 左右从冈瓦纳大陆的东缘分离。扩张打开了塔斯曼海,在西南太平洋留下了大部分被淹没的大陆岩石圈碎片。在整个新生代历史中,火山活动成为西兰大陆不可或缺的一部分。大陆岩石圈为陆上和海上的火山活动提供了基础。单生火山作用在整个新生代都很常见。通过地表水体(海洋和湖泊)和西兰西亚潮湿的温带气候提供的各种其他陆地含水系统,水的可用性无处不在。水火山作用,无论是爆炸性的还是非爆炸性的,在西兰迪亚都发挥了重要作用” 的火山历史导致火山巨型建筑涉及建筑物地质和火山灾害。然而,在西兰尼亚的单生火山作用背景下,水火山作用通常被忽视。西兰西亚的新生代单基因场为地球上与低洼陆地环境或潮湿温带气候中的浅海海洋环境相关的其他火山场提供了独特的实验室和比较类比。