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Teachers' Perceptions and Understanding of Children's Fluid Intake.
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health Pub Date : 2020-06-05 , DOI: 10.3390/ijerph17114050
Kristy Howells 1 , Tara Coppinger 2

No public health data exists on elementary teachers’ perceptions of both their own fluid intake and of their elementary school aged children’s fluid intake. A total of 271 (20 males, 251 females) teachers in developed areas of Australia, Belgium, England, Ireland, United Arab Emirates, and the United States of America completed an online questionnaire (Feb–Mar 2019) on: (i) their fluid intake, (ii) their perception and understanding of children’s fluid intake and (iii) barriers in the school day that they felt prevented school children consuming fluids. Overall, the data indicated that teachers consume considerably lower amounts than recommended themselves, but have a good awareness of children’s fluid intake and estimate children drink approximately half (1 litre (34% n = 93)) of what is recommended per day. The results were also similar to those reported by children previously. Yet, the data highlighted a lack of active encouragement of drinking water throughout the school day by teachers, with only 11% (n = 29) suggesting they actively encourage children to drink and 45% (n = 123) reporting no active encouragement at all. It is recommended as a public health measure that all school children consume an extra cup of water during lunch times in those schools where water intake was recognized as sub optimal. Furthermore, depending on weather conditions, a cup of water before, during and after Physical Education lessons should be encouraged by teachers. Water coolers or bottles may be used as a supplementary resource, provided that hygiene is maintained. From an educational perspective, more professional development needs to be provided to teachers on the importance of regular water consumption, and more time dedicated across the elementary curriculum to educational understanding of fluid consumption.



没有关于基础老师对自己的液体摄入量以及小学儿童的液体摄入量的看法的公共卫生数据。澳大利亚,比利时,英格兰,爱尔兰,阿拉伯联合酋长国和美利坚合众国发达地区的共271名教师(20名男性,251名女性)教师完成了以下在线问卷调查(2019年2月至3月):液体摄入;(ii)他们对孩子的液体摄入量的理解和理解;(iii)在上学期间,他们认为阻碍了孩子饮用液体的障碍。总体而言,数据表明,教师的饮水量低于推荐量,但对儿童的液体摄入量有很好的认识,估计儿童饮水量约为一半(1升(34%n = 93))。结果也与以前儿童报告的结果相似。然而,数据显示,在整个教学日中,教师缺乏积极鼓励饮水的机会,只有11%(n = 29)表示他们积极鼓励儿童饮水,而45%(n = 123)完全没有积极鼓励。作为一项公共卫生措施,建议在那些饮水被认为次优的学校中,所有学童在午餐时间多喝一杯水。此外,根据天气情况,老师应鼓励在体育课之前,期间和之后喝一杯水。只要保持卫生,可以使用水冷却器或瓶子作为补充资源。从教育的角度来看,需要向教师提供更多的专业发展知识,以了解定期饮水的重要性,并在基础课程上投入更多时间来进行对饮水量的教育理解。