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Facies and sequence stratigraphic architecture of the Mural Limestone (Albian), Arizona: Carbonate response to global and local factors and implications for reservoir characterization
Sedimentology ( IF 2.6 ) Pub Date : 2020-06-04 , DOI: 10.1111/sed.12768
Rachel Aisner‐Williams 1, 2 , Charles Kerans 1, 2

This study documents the detailed facies and sequence stratigraphic architecture of a multi‐cyclic patch‐reef and its associated ramp interior facies that formed during Oceanic Anoxic Event 1b in the Mural Limestone, Arizona, USA. Ramp interior facies are comprised of bedded wackestone/packstone, rudist build‐up and coral–algal patch‐reef facies located north of Bisbee, Arizona, at the Grassy Hill locality. The larger multi‐cyclic patch‐reef that developed coevally ca 5 km to the south of Grassy Hill consists of a high‐angle windward margin with a narrow ca 70 m long reef frame containing vertically zonated MicrosolenaActinastrea, diverse branching coral and rudist assemblages, and an 870 m long low‐angle leeward margin comprised of reef debris rudstone and grainstone shoal facies. Similar reef geomorphology and orientation is documented across the Gulf of Mexico and reflects the shelf‐wide north to north‐east‐trending prevailing wind and current energies. Controls affecting reef formation and growth patterns include changes in accommodation space associated with low‐amplitude global sea‐level rise and regional thermotectonic subsidence, local accommodation space and nutrient fluctuations associated with the inner shelf depositional setting within a humid and siliciclastic‐rich environment. Four aggradational to retrogradational high‐frequency sequences are documented in Arizona: High‐frequency sequences 1 and 2 represent the first pulse of patch‐reef development in an overall second‐order marine transgression over the Sonora/Bisbee Shelf. These sequences correlate to δ13C signatures associated with Oceanic Anoxic Event 1b across the Gulf of Mexico and suggest that carbonate reefs persisted on the ramp interior during this time. High‐frequency sequences 3 and 4 record a second brief transgression and backstepping of reef facies followed by the final regression of shallow shelf carbonates that correlates to more robust patch‐reef development in Sonora, Mexico. The patch‐reef at Paul Spur is an excellent outcrop analogue for productive patch‐reefs in the Maverick Basin (Comanche Shelf) of Texas. Detailed facies mapping of this outcrop analogue shows that the greatest reservoir potential is contained within the backreef grainstone shoals where primary porosity of up to 15% is observed.



这项研究记录了在美国亚利桑那州的壁画石灰岩的大洋缺氧事件1b中形成的多环斑礁的详细相和层序地层构造及其相关的斜坡内部相。斜坡内部的相由层状的砂岩/堆积石,红柱状堆积物和位于草山的亚利桑那州比斯比北部的珊瑚-藻类斑块礁相组成。在格拉斯希尔以南5公里处发育的较大的多环斑块礁包括一个高角度的迎风边缘和一个狭窄的70 m长的礁石框架,其中包含垂直划分的微带藻,  Actinastrea,多样的分支珊瑚和鲁迪斯组合,以及一个870 m长的低角度背风边缘,由礁石残骸rudstone和粒石浅滩相组成。墨西哥湾地区也记录了类似的礁石地貌和方向,反映了从北向东北的整个陆架趋势的风和当前能源。影响礁石形成和生长方式的控制措施包括与低振幅全球海平面上升和区域热构造沉降相关的容纳空间变化,与潮湿和硅质碎屑丰富的环境中的内陆架沉积环境相关的局部容纳空间和养分波动。亚利桑那州记录了从高到低的四个高频序列:高频序列1和2代表Sonora / Bisbee架上第二次整体海侵中斑片礁发展的第一个脉冲。这些序列与δ相关与横跨墨西哥湾的海洋性缺氧事件1b相关的13 C信号表明,在这段时间内,碳酸盐岩礁在斜坡内部持续存在。高频序列3和4记录了第二次短暂的海侵和礁岩相后退,然后是浅层碳酸盐岩的最终回归,这与墨西哥索诺拉州更牢固的斑块礁发育有关。保罗·斯普尔(Paul Spur)的礁石是得克萨斯州Maverick盆地(Comanche Shelf)生产性礁石的绝佳露头类似物。该露头类似物的详细相图表明,最大的储层潜力包含在后礁的粒岩浅滩中,那里的原始孔隙度高达15%。