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Zooplankton diel vertical migration during Antarctic summer
Deep Sea Research Part I: Oceanographic Research Papers ( IF 2.3 ) Pub Date : 2020-06-05 , DOI: 10.1016/j.dsr.2020.103324
John A. Conroy , Deborah K. Steinberg , Patricia S. Thibodeau , Oscar Schofield

Zooplankton diel vertical migration (DVM) during summer in the polar oceans is presumed to be dampened due to near continuous daylight. We analyzed zooplankton diel vertical distribution patterns in a wide range of taxa along the Western Antarctic Peninsula (WAP) to assess if DVM occurs, and if so, what environmental controls modulate DVM in the austral summer. Zooplankton were collected during January and February in paired day-night, depth-stratified tows through the mesopelagic zone along the WAP from 2009-2017, as well as in day and night epipelagic net tows from 1993-2017. The copepod Metridia gerlachei, salp Salpa thompsoni, pteropod Limacina helicina antarctica, and ostracods consistently conducted DVM between the mesopelagic and epipelagic zones. Migration distance for M. gerlachei and ostracods decreased as photoperiod increased from 17 to 22 h daylight. The copepods Calanoides acutus and Rhincalanus gigas, as well as euphausiids Thysanoessa macrura and Euphausia crystallorophias, conducted shallow (mostly within the epipelagic zone) DVMs into the upper 50 m at night. Rhincalanus gigas, T. macrura, and L. h. antarctica DVM behavior was modulated by chlorophyll a concentration, mixed layer depth, and depth of the subsurface chlorophyll a maximum, respectively. Carnivorous and detritivorous taxa – including the calanoid copepod Paraeuchaeta antarctica, ostracods, chaetognaths, and Tomopteris spp. polychaetes – as well as seasonally migrating copepods, were most abundant in the mesopelagic zone regardless of the diel cycle. Paraeuchaeta antarctica underwent reverse DVM within the top 100 m. The impacts of Antarctic zooplankton summer DVM and the resident mesopelagic assemblage on carbon export should be better quantified.



据推测,由于近乎连续的日光,极地海洋夏季的浮游动物diel垂直迁移(DVM)受到抑制。我们分析了沿南极西部半岛(WAP)广泛分布的一个分类单元中的浮游动物diel垂直分布模式,以评估是否发生了DVM,如果发生,则由什么环境控制因素调节南夏季的DVM。浮游动物于2009年至2017年间在沿WAP沿中弹性带的成日昼夜,深度分层的成对中于一月和二月间收集,并于1993至2017年间在白天和黑夜的上表层净丝束中被收集。pe足类Metridia gerlachei,salp salpa thompsoni,翼足类Limacina helicina antarctica,并且兽脚类动物在中弹性带和上层带之间始终进行DVM。随着日照时间从17 h增加到22 h,gerlachei和ostracods的迁移距离减小。pe足类Calanoides acutusRhincalanus gigas,以及e类Thysanoessa macruraEuphausia crystallorophias,在夜间将浅层DVM输送到上部50 m(主要在上层带内)。Rhincalanus牡蛎T. macruraL.小时。南极DVM行为受叶绿素a浓度,混合层深度和地下叶绿素a深度的调节最大。食肉性和有害性分类单元–包括南极cal足类Para足类Paraeuchaeta南极洲,类,cha目Tomopteris spp。无论中鲸的周期如何,多皮鱼类以及季节性迁徙的pe足类动物在中古生境区最为丰富。南极对虾在顶部100 m内接受了反向DVM。应更好地量化南极浮游动物夏季DVM和常住的中生代组合对碳出口的影响。
