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Development and validation of the eutectic reaction model in JUPITER code
Annals of Nuclear Energy ( IF 1.9 ) Pub Date : 2020-09-01 , DOI: 10.1016/j.anucene.2020.107606
Penghui Chai , Susumu Yamashita , Hiroyuki Yoshida

Abstract The eutectic reaction model in JUPITER code was validated against two series of experimental tests that performed by JAEA. An experiment that aimed to evaluate the eutectic reaction between Zircaloy and Stainless steel, was simulated by JUPITER code to validate its reliability on predicting the binary eutectic reaction phenomenon. A comparison of the simulation and experimental results demonstrates good agreement on the increase rate of the solution depth at various temperature environments. Another series of tests which aimed to predict the eutectic reaction between the control rod blade and channel box in BWR, were simulated by JUPITER code to test its applicability on predicting the eutectic reaction between multiple mixture components. Although the deviation could not be completely eliminated, the reaction performance in the experiment was reasonably reproduced. As a result, it could be concluded that JUPITER code is feasible to predict the eutectic reaction behavior in nuclear severe accident.