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Conductors of Heat Content Changes of the North Atlantic Ocean Layers
Oceanology ( IF 1 ) Pub Date : 2020-06-04 , DOI: 10.1134/s0001437020010233
N. V. Vakulenko , D. M. Sonechkin


It is considered that changes of the North Atlantic’s heat content can be a source of surprises in the evolution of the present-day climate, especially the climate of Europe. To investigate this problem, the RAPID monitoring program has been organized. However, results of such monitoring still cover too short a time interval to reach any particular conclusions. In this study, using wavelets, heat content variations in the 0–700 and 0–2000 m oceanic layers were analyzed since the mid-20th century. Their relationships with mean temperature variations of the 0–100 m layer, as well as with earlier analyzed temperature variations of the North Atlantic sea-surface temperature, also are analyzed. It is found that, against a total increase in heat content, variations of all specified characteristics reveal a periodicity similar to the known approximately 22‑year-long Hale heliomagnetic activity cycle. In the 0–700 m layer, this periodicity leading on its phase not only the corresponding periodicity in the 0–2000 m layer, which corresponds well to the generally accepted opinion that heat content anomalies extend from top ocean layers down, but also in the mean temperature of the 0–100 m layer, as well as in the sea-surface temperature. This makes it possible to consider that heliomagnetic activity immediately influences the upper 0–700 m layer of the ocean, thence extending down and up.




人们认为,北大西洋热量含量的变化可能会给当今气候特别是欧洲气候的演变带来意外。为了调查此问题,已组织了RAPID监视程序。但是,这种监视的结果仍然覆盖了很短的时间间隔,无法得出任何特定的结论。在本研究中,使用小波分析了自20世纪中叶以来0-700和0-2000 m海洋层的热量含量变化。还分析了它们与0-100 m层平均温度变化的关系,以及与先前分析的北大西洋海表温度的温度变化的关系。发现相对于总热量的增加,所有指定特征的变化都显示出类似于已知的大约22年之久的黑尔太阳磁活动周期的周期性。在0-700 m层中,这种周期性不仅在0-2000 m层中具有相应的周期性,这也与普遍接受的观点有关,即热量含量异常从海表层向下延伸,而且在0–100 m层的平均温度以及海表温度。这样就可以考虑到,日磁活动会立即影响海洋的上层0-700 m层,并因此而向上和向下延伸。这与公认的观点一致,即热量含量异常从海平面的顶部向下延伸,但也包括0-100 m层的平均温度以及海表温度。这样就可以考虑到,日磁活动会立即影响海洋的上层0-700 m层,并因此而向上和向下延伸。这与公认的观点一致,即热量含量异常从海平面的顶部向下延伸,但也包括0-100 m层的平均温度以及海表温度。这样就可以考虑到,日磁活动会立即影响海洋的上层0-700 m层,并因此而向上和向下延伸。