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Changes in Overall Participation Profile of Youth with Physical Disabilities Following the PREP Intervention.
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health ( IF 4.614 ) Pub Date : 2020-06-04 , DOI: 10.3390/ijerph17113990
Colin Hoehne 1 , Brittany Baranski 2 , Louiza Benmohammed 3 , Liam Bienstock 2 , Nathan Menezes 2 , Noah Margolese 2 , Dana Anaby 2, 4

The Pathways and Resources for Engagement and Participation (PREP), an environmental-based intervention, is effective in improving the participation of youth with disabilities in specific targeted activities; however, its potential impact on overall participation beyond these activities is unknown. This study examined the differences in participation levels and environmental barriers and supports following the 12-week PREP intervention. Existing data on participation patterns and environmental barriers and supports, measured by the Participation and Environment Measure for Children and Youth, pre-and post-PREP intervention, were statistically analyzed across 20 youth aged 12 to 18 (mean = 14.4, standard deviation (SD) = 1.82) with physical disabilities in three settings: home, school and community. Effect sizes were calculated using Cohen’s d. Following PREP, youth participated significantly less often at home (d = 2.21; 95% Confidence Interval (CI) [1.79, 2.96]), more often (d = 0.57; 95% CI [−0.79, −0.14]) and in more diverse activities (d = 0.51; 95% CI [−1.99, −0.51]) in the community. At school, significantly greater participation was observed in special school roles (t = −2.46. p = 0.024). Involvement and desire for change remained relatively stable across all settings. A substantial increase in community environmental supports was observed (d = 0.67), with significantly more parents reporting availability of, and access to information as a support (χ2 = 4.28, p = 0.038). Findings lend further support to the effectiveness of environmental-based interventions, involving real-life experiences.



参与和参与的途径和资源(PREP)是一种基于环境的干预措施,有效地促进了残疾青年对特定目标活动的参与;但是,除了这些活动之外,它对整体参与的潜在影响尚不清楚。这项研究检查了12周的PREP干预后参与水平和环境障碍及支持的差异。在PREP干预前后,通过“儿童和青少年参与和环境措施”测量的现有参与模式,环境障碍和支持数据,对20至12岁的20岁青年进行了统计分析(平均值= 14.4,标准差(SD) )= 1.82),并且在以下三种情况下患有肢体残疾:家庭,学校和社区。使用Cohen's计算效果大小d。PREP后,青年在家中的参与频率显着降低(d = 2.21; 95%的置信区间(CI)[1.79,2.96]),更多地参与(d = 0.57; 95%的CI [-0.79,-0.14])社区中的各种活动(d = 0.51; 95%CI [-1.99,-0.51])。在学校,特殊学校的作用,观察显著更大的参与性(t = -2.46,p = 0.024)。在所有情况下,参与和对变革的渴望都相对稳定。观察到在社区环境支持相当大的提高(d = 0.67)中,用显著更父母报告的可用性,和获得信息作为支承体(χ 2 = 4.28,p= 0.038)。调查结果为涉及现实生活的环境干预措施的有效性提供了进一步的支持。