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Dinastridium verrucosum Baumeister from Bavaria (Germany) is a Borghiellacean Dinophyte (†Suessiales).
Protist ( IF 1.9 ) Pub Date : 2020-06-03 , DOI: 10.1016/j.protis.2020.125741
Johanna Knechtel 1 , Juliane Kretschmann 1 , Juliana Chacón 1 , Marc Gottschling 1

Phytodinialean dinophytes are poorly known at present and their phylogenetic relationships largely elusive. Historical names of microscopic species are frequently ambiguous, and a reliable application is impeded although crucial to fully explore the biology of organisms. We collected material close to the type locality of a historical species, namely Dinastridium verrucosum, and established eight strains for morphological and molecular studies. The motile cells showed an obovate shape in outline and were dorso-ventrally slightly flattened. They were orange-brown in colour and had a descending cingulum. In light microscopy, an eyespot was discerned in a few monadoid cells in the central region of the sulcus. Furthermore, a morphologically characteristic, 4–6 μm long apical furrow was observed on the episome of the cells in SEM. Older cultivated material further exhibited coccoid cells of irregular shape, with wart-like protuberances and covered by a more or less extensive mucilage. This morphology is indistinguishable from the lectotype of D. verrucosum. In a molecular phylogeny, the species was placed in the Borghiellaceae (†Suessiales). As taxonomic result, we epitypify the historical name, D. verrucosum, and perform the necessary combination to Borghiella.


来自巴伐利亚(德国)的疣鼻石(Dinastridium v​​errucosum Baumeister)是Borghiellacean Dinophyte(†Suessiales)。

目前对植物检疫植物的认识较差,而且它们的系统发育关系在很大程度上难以捉摸。微观物种的历史名称常常是模棱两可的,尽管对充分探索生物的生物学至关重要,但可靠的应用受到了阻碍。我们收集的材料接近历史物种的类型所在地,即Dinastridium v​​errucosum,并建立了八株用于形态学和分子研究的菌株。运动细胞的轮廓呈倒卵形,背腹面略扁平。它们的颜色为橙棕色,并具有降扣毛。在光学显微镜下,在沟中心区域的一些monadoid细胞中发现了一个眼点。此外,在SEM中观察到细胞的附加体具有4–6μm长的形态特征。较旧的耕种材料还显示出不规则形状的球状细胞,具有疣状突起,并被或多或少的广泛粘液覆盖。这种形态与D. verrucosum的选型没有区别。在分子系统发育上,该物种被放置在高粱属植物中(†Suessiales)。作为分类结果,我们将历史名D. verrucosum例化,并对Borghiella进行必要的组合。
