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Mouse Arm and hand movements in grooming are reaching movements: Evolution of reaching, handedness, and the thumbnail.
Behavioural Brain Research ( IF 2.6 ) Pub Date : 2020-06-04 , DOI: 10.1016/j.bbr.2020.112732
Milad Naghizadeh 1 , Majid H Mohajerani 1 , Ian Q Whishaw 1

Grooming in the mouse features hand licking and symmetric and asymmetric arm and hand “strokes” over the face and body to maintain pelage. Grooming is syntactically organized but the structure of individualized movements of the arm, hand, and tongue have not been examined. Here spontaneous and water-induced grooming was video recorded in free-moving and head-fixed mice and subject to frame-by-frame video inspection and kinematic analysis using Physics Tracker. All groom arm and hand movements had a structure similar to that described for reach-to-eat movements. The movement included the hand lifting from the floor to supinate with the digits flexing and closed to a collect position, an aim position directed to a groom target, an advance to the target during which the fingers extend and open and the hand pronates, a grasp of a target on the snout, nose, or vibrissae, and a withdraw to the mouth where licking occurs, or a return to the starting position. This structure was present in individual unilateral forelimb groom strokes, in bilateral symmetric, or asymmetric groom strokes, and comprised the individuated components of a sequence of groom movements. Reach-to-groom movements could feature an ulnar adduction that positions the ulnar portion of the hand including and the thumb across the eye and nose, a movement that aids Hardarian fluid spreading. It is proposed that the mouse thumb nail is an anatomical feature that minimizes damage to the eye or nose that might be incurred by a claw. This analysis of the reach-to-groom movement provides insights into the flexibility of hand use in adaptive behavior, the evolution of skilled reaching movements, the neural control of reaching movements and the presence of the thumb nail in the mouse.



鼠标中的修饰功能包括手舔​​和对称和不对称的手臂和手“抚摸”脸部和身体以保持皮毛。修饰是按句法组织的,但尚未检查手臂、手和舌头的个性化运动的结构。在这里,自发和水诱导的梳理是在自由移动和头部固定的小鼠中录制的视频,并使用 Physics Tracker 进行逐帧视频检查和运动学分析。所有新郎手臂和手部动作的结构都类似于伸手可及的动作所描述的结构。动作包括将手从地板上抬起以进行旋后,手指弯曲并关闭到收集位置,指向新郎目标的瞄准位置,前进到目标,在此期间手指伸展和张开,手旋前,在鼻子、鼻子或触须上抓住目标,然后撤回到发生舔的嘴巴,或回到起始位置。这种结构存在于新郎单侧单侧前肢、双侧对称或不对称新郎中风中,并包含新郎动作序列的个体化组成部分。伸手到新郎的动作可能以尺骨内收为特征,将手的尺骨部分(包括大拇指)放在眼睛和鼻子上,这种动作有助于哈达利流体扩散。建议鼠标拇指指甲是一种解剖学特征,可以最大限度地减少爪子可能对眼睛或鼻子造成的伤害。这种对新郎伸手动作的分析提供了对适应性行为中手部使用灵活性的见解,熟练的伸手动作的演变,
