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Slackwater Sediments Record the Increase in Sub-daily Rain Flood due to Climate Change in a European Mediterranean Catchment
Water Resources Management ( IF 3.9 ) Pub Date : 2020-06-04 , DOI: 10.1007/s11269-020-02563-y
J. D. Moral-Erencia , P. Bohorquez , P. J. Jimenez-Ruiz , F. J. Pérez-Latorre

In this work we propose an original method to determine the magnitude of the discharge, the intensity of the precipitation and the duration of short-rain floods in small torrential basins (< 2000 km2), extending our earlier approach for long-rain floods in larger basins (Water 2016, 8, 526; Remote Sens. 2017, 9, 727). The studied areas are located in ungauged catchments with high erosion rates where torrents deposit slackwater sediments near the outlet of the basins. Such deposits and erosive morphologies allow us to analyse sub-daily extreme hydrological events by combining standard techniques in paleohydrology, the kinematic wave method and remote-sensed paleostage indicators. The formulation was correctly verified in extreme events through reliable gauge measurements and a high-resolution distributed hydrological model showing the accuracy of our calculations (10% ≤relative error ≤ 22%). In catchments of the European Mediterranean region where the frequency and magnitude of short-rain floods are increasing (e.g. the Guadalquivir Basin), the main hydrological variables can thus be quantified post-event using the proposed approach. The outputs may serve to construct a new database for this kind of events complementary to the existing daily database for long-rain floods (> 24 h). The need is evident for safety designs of civil infrastructures and flood risk mitigation strategies in the current climate change scenario.



在这项工作中,我们提出了一种确定小洪流盆地(<2000 km 2)的流量大小,降水强度和短雨洪水持续时间的原始方法。),扩展了我们在较大流域长雨洪水的早期方法(Water 2016,8,526; Remote Sens。2017,9,727)。所研究的地区位于侵蚀率高的未覆盖流域,在那里洪流在盆地出口附近沉积了松弛的水沉积物。这些沉积物和侵蚀性形态使我们能够通过结合古水文学中的标准技术,运动波方法和遥感古阶段指示符来分析次日极端水文事件。通过可靠的量规测量和高分辨率的分布式水文模型,可以在极端事件中正确验证了此公式,该模型显示了我们的计算精度(10 ≤相对误差≤22 )。在短雨洪灾的频率和强度不断增加的欧洲地中海地区(例如瓜达尔基维尔河盆地)的流域,可以使用提议的方法在事后量化主要水文变量。输出结果可以为这种事件构建一个新的数据库,以补充现有的每日大雨洪水(> 24小时)数据库。在当前的气候变化情景中,显然需要进行民用基础设施的安全设计和减轻洪水风险的策略。
