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Population trends of penguins in the French Southern Territories
Polar Biology ( IF 1.5 ) Pub Date : 2020-06-03 , DOI: 10.1007/s00300-020-02691-6
Christophe Barbraud , Karine Delord , Charles A. Bost , Adrien Chaigne , Cédric Marteau , Henri Weimerskirch

Penguins are important top consumers in marine food webs and are one of the most threatened bird families, especially by climate change and food web alterations by marine fisheries. Yet, long-term population trends are lacking or are uncertain for many populations. Seven species of penguins breeding at the French Southern Territories in the southern Indian Ocean on the Crozet, Kerguelen, Saint-Paul–Amsterdam archipelagos and in Terre Adélie/Adelie Land, Antarctica are monitored regularly. This monitoring started in the early 1950s and most populations have been surveyed during the past four years, allowing assessments of population trends. King penguins increased at nearly all breeding sites within the Crozet and Kerguelen archipelagos. Emperor penguins have decreased at Terre Adélie/Adelie Land, with a partial recovery of the colony during the 2010s. Gentoo penguin populations at Crozet and Kerguelen are highly variable but stable. Adélie penguins have been increasing in Terre Adélie/Adelie Land. The trends in eastern rockhopper penguins vary between colonies and archipelagos. Northern rockhopper penguins have continuously decreased in numbers at Amsterdam Island, but appear to have increased at the nearby Saint-Paul Island. Macaroni penguins have first increased and then stabilized since the 2000s at Kerguelen and are stable at the Crozet Islands. Overall, most penguin populations breeding in the French Southern Territories increased or were stable over the past 30–60 years, with the exception of the northern rockhopper penguin, king and gentoo penguins on Crozet and the emperor penguin. The ecological reasons for these trends are poorly understood and require further investigation.



企鹅是海洋食物网中重要的顶级消费者,也是最受威胁的鸟类之一,尤其是受气候变化和海洋渔业食物网改变的影响。然而,许多人口缺乏或不确定长期人口趋势。在南印度洋法属南部领地的克罗泽、凯尔盖朗、圣保罗-阿姆斯特丹群岛和南极洲阿德利/阿德利地繁殖的七种企鹅受到定期监测。这种监测始于 1950 年代初,在过去四年中对大多数人口进行了调查,从而可以评估人口趋势。克罗泽群岛和凯尔盖朗群岛内几乎所有繁殖地的王企鹅数量都有所增加。Terre Adélie/Adelie Land 的帝企鹅数量减少,在 2010 年代部分恢复了殖民地。Crozet 和 Kerguelen 的 Gentoo 企鹅种群变化很大但很稳定。特雷阿德利/阿德利地的阿德利企鹅一直在增加。东部跳岩企鹅的趋势因殖民地和群岛而异。阿姆斯特丹岛北部跳岩企鹅的数量不断减少,但在附近的圣保罗岛似乎有所增加。自 2000 年代以来,通心粉企鹅在凯尔盖朗首先增加然后稳定,在克罗泽群岛稳定。总体而言,在过去的 30 至 60 年间,在法属南部领地繁殖的大多数企鹅种群都在增加或保持稳定,但北部跳岩企鹅、克罗泽特的王企鹅和巴布亚企鹅以及帝企鹅除外。