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Roterbärite, PdCuBiSe3, a new mineral species from the Roter Bär mine, Harz Mountains, Germany
Mineralogy and Petrology ( IF 1.4 ) Pub Date : 2020-06-04 , DOI: 10.1007/s00710-020-00703-1
Anna Vymazalová , Alexandre R. Cabral , František Laufek , Wilfried Ließmann , Chris J. Stanley , Bernd Lehmann

Roterbärite, PdCuBiSe3, is a new mineral species from the Roter Bär mine, Harz Mountains, Germany. It forms euhedral to subhedral grains, up to 50 μm across, embedded in clausthalite, which is spatially associated with gold, mertieite-II, bohdanowiczite, hematite, chalcopyrite, baryte, ankerite and dolomite. Roterbärite is brittle and has a metallic luster. In plane-polarized light, roterbärite is slightly pleochroic in shades of dark cream to slightly greenish cream; it has weak anisotropy with rotation tints in shades of pale orange brown to grey and exhibits no internal reflections. Reflectance values of roterbärite in air (R2, R1 in %) are: 42.4/43.0 at 470 nm, 45.4/44.4 at 546 nm, 46.8/44.6 at 589 nm and 47.7/44.6 at 650 nm. Eighteen electron-microprobe analyses of roterbärite gave an average composition (in wt%): Pd 18.1 wt%, Bi 35.2 wt%, Cu 10.5 wt%, Se 33.5 wt% and S 2.6 wt%, totalling 99.8 wt% and corresponding to the empirical formula Pd1.01Cu0.98Bi1.00(Se2.53S0.48)3.01, based on 6 atoms; the average of ten microanalyses on its synthetic analogue is: Pd 17.62 wt%, Cu 10.74 wt%, Bi 33.59 wt% and Se 38.70 wt%, the total of which is 100.65 wt% and corresponds to Pd1.01Cu1.03Bi0.98Se2.98. The ideal formula is PdCuBiSe3. The density, calculated on the basis of the empirical formula, is 7.23 g/cm3. The mineral is orthorhombic, space group P212121, with a 5.00520(10), b 7.9921(2) Å, c 13.5969(2) Å, V 543.90(2) Å3 and Z = 4. The crystal structure was solved and refined from the powder X-ray diffraction data of synthetic PdCuBiSe3. Roterbärite crystallizes in the (Bi,Sb)CuNiS3 structure-type, being isostructural with minerals of the lapieite group – i.e., lapieite (CuNiSbS3), mückeite (CuNiBiS3) and lisiguangite (CuPtBiS3). Roterbärite belongs to the vast group of sulfosalts and related compounds (a selenio-salt). The strongest lines in the powder X-ray diffraction pattern of the synthetic PdCuBiSe3 [d in Å (I) (hkl)] are: 3.3593 (97) (103), 3.1226 (100) (120), 3.0434 (75) (121), 2.3894 (39) (105), 1.9210 (70)(223).


Roterbärite,PdCuBiSe3,来自德国哈尔茨山脉 Roter Bär 矿的一种新矿物

Roterbärite PdCuBiSe3 是来自德国哈尔茨山脉 Roter Bär 矿的一种新矿物。它形成自形至半自形颗粒,直径可达 50 μm,嵌入在青辉石中,在空间上与金、钠沸石-II、bohdanowiczite、赤铁矿、黄铜矿、重晶石、铁白云石和白云石有关。红贝里石脆且具有金属光泽。在平面偏振光下,roterbärite 在深奶油色至浅绿色奶油色中略呈多向色性;它具有弱的各向异性,带有浅橙棕色至灰色的旋转色调,并且没有内部反射。roterbärite 在空气中的反射值(R2,R1 in%)为:470 nm 处 42.4 / 43.0、546 nm 处 45.4 / 44.4、589 nm 处 46.8 / 44.6 和 47.7 / 44.6 at 650 nme 电子探针分析roterbärite 的平均组成(重量百分比):Pd 18.1 wt%,Bi 35.2 wt%,Cu 10.5 wt%、Se 33.5 wt%和S 2.6 wt%,总计99.8 wt%,对应于经验式Pd1.01Cu0.98Bi1.00 (Se2.53S0.48) 3.01,基于6个原子;对其合成类似物的 10 次微量分析的平均值为:Pd 17.62 wt%、Cu 10.74 wt%、Bi 33.59 wt% 和 Se 38.70 wt%,合计为 100.65 wt%,对应于 Pd1.01Cu1.03Bi0.98Se2。 98 理想的配方是 PdCuBiSe3。根据经验公式计算的密度为 7.23 g/cm3。该矿物是正交晶系,空间群 P212121,a 5.00520 (10), b 7.9921 (2) Å, c 13.5969 (2) Å, V 543.90 (2) Å3 和 Z = 4。合成 PdCuBiSe3 的粉末 X 射线衍射数据。红黄铁矿结晶为 (Bi, Sb) CuNiS3 结构类型,与锂辉石组矿物同构 - 即,lapieite (CuNiSbS3),绿镁石 (CuNiBiS3) 和 lisiguangite (CuPtBiS3)。红铜矿属于大量的磺盐和相关化合物(一种硒盐)。合成 PdCuBiSe3 粉末 X 射线衍射图中最强的谱线 [d in Å (I) (hkl)] 为:3.3593 (97) (103), 3.1226 (100) (120), 3.0434 (75) (121) )、2.3894 (39) (105)、1.9210 (70) (223)。