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Fitting the Nonlinear Matter Bispectrum by the Halofit Approach
The Astrophysical Journal ( IF 4.8 ) Pub Date : 2020-06-03 , DOI: 10.3847/1538-4357/ab908d
Ryuichi Takahashi 1 , Takahiro Nishimichi 2, 3 , Toshiya Namikawa 4 , Atsushi Taruya 2, 3 , Issha Kayo 5 , Ken Osato 6 , Yosuke Kobayashi 3 , Masato Shirasaki 7

We provide an accurate fitting formula of the matter bispectrum in the nonlinear regime calibrated by high-resolution cosmological $N$-body simulations of $41$ cold dark matter ($w$CDM, $w=$ constant) models around the Planck 2015 best-fit parameters. As the parameterization in our fitting function is similar to that in Halofit, our fitting is named BiHalofit. The simulation volume is sufficiently large ($> 10 \, {\rm Gpc}^3$) to cover almost all measurable triangle bispectrum configurations in the universe. The function is also calibrated using one-loop perturbation theory at large scales ($k<0.3 \, h \, {\rm Mpc}^{-1}$). Our formula reproduced the matter bispectrum to within $10 \, (15) \, \%$ accuracy in the Planck 2015 model at wavenumber $k< 3 \, (10) \, h \, {\rm Mpc}^{-1}$ and redshifts $z=0-3$. The other $40$ $w$CDM models obtained poorer fits, with accuracy approximating $20 \, \%$ at $k<3 \, h \, {\rm Mpc}^{-1}$ and $z=0-1.5$ (the deviation includes the $10 \, \%$-level sample variance of the simulations). We also provide a fitting formula that corrects the baryonic effects such as radiative cooling and active galactic nuclei feedback, using the latest hydrodynamical simulation IllustrisTNG. We demonstrate that our new formula more accurately predicts the weak lensing bispectrum than the existing fitting formulas. This formula will assist current and future weak-lensing surveys and cosmic microwave background lensing experiments.


用 Halofit 方法拟合非线性物质双谱

我们提供了非线性区域中物质双谱的精确拟合公式,该公式通过高分辨率宇宙学 $N$-body 模拟的 $41$ 冷暗物质($w$CDM,$w=$ 常数)模型围绕普朗克 2015 年最佳模型校准- 拟合参数。由于我们的拟合函数中的参数化与 Halofit 中的类似,我们的拟合被命名为 BiHalofit。模拟量足够大($> 10 \, {\rm Gpc}^3$)可以覆盖宇宙中几乎所有可测量的三角形双谱配置。该函数还使用大尺度的单环扰动理论($k<0.3 \, h \, {\rm Mpc}^{-1}$)进行校准。我们的公式在波数 $k< 3 \, (10) \, h \, {\rm Mpc}^{-1 的普朗克 2015 模型中将物质双谱再现到 $10 \, (15) \, \%$ 精度}$ 和红移 $z=0-3$。其他 $40$ $w$CDM 模型的拟合较差,准确度接近 $20 \, \%$ at $k<3 \, h \, {\rm Mpc}^{-1}$ 和 $z=0-1.5 $(偏差包括模拟的 $10 \, \%$ 级样本方差)。我们还提供了一个拟合公式,使用最新的流体动力学模拟 IllustrisTNG 来校正重子效应,例如辐射冷却和活动星系核反馈。我们证明了我们的新公式比现有的拟合公式更准确地预测了弱透镜双谱。该公式将有助于当前和未来的弱透镜调查和宇宙微波背景透镜实验。我们还提供了一个拟合公式,使用最新的流体动力学模拟 IllustrisTNG 来校正重子效应,例如辐射冷却和活动星系核反馈。我们证明了我们的新公式比现有的拟合公式更准确地预测了弱透镜双谱。该公式将有助于当前和未来的弱透镜调查和宇宙微波背景透镜实验。我们还提供了一个拟合公式,使用最新的流体动力学模拟 IllustrisTNG 来校正重子效应,例如辐射冷却和活动星系核反馈。我们证明了我们的新公式比现有的拟合公式更准确地预测了弱透镜双谱。该公式将有助于当前和未来的弱透镜调查和宇宙微波背景透镜实验。