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Re-greening of agrosystems in the Burkina Faso Sahel: greater drought resilience but falling woody plant diversity
Environmental Conservation ( IF 2.2 ) Pub Date : 2020-06-03 , DOI: 10.1017/s037689292000017x
Wendpouiré Arnaud Zida , Babou André Bationo , Jean-Philippe Waaub

SummaryDroughts and land degradation result in biodiversity and ecosystem service losses with serious implications for human wellbeing. The Sahel region has seen increased plant cover since the end of 1970s–1980s droughts, but understanding the nature and implications of this change remains a priority. This study aimed to assess changes in the woody floristic composition of re-greened agrosystems since the droughts in Burkina Faso. In 148 vegetation survey plots distributed across areas with increasing woody plant cover and those to some extent protected from exploitation, a total of 71 species from 51 genera and 23 families were identified. Compared to pre-drought flora, our measurements show a decline in the diversity and density of woody species. Combretaceae species and thorny species of the genera Acacia and Balanites, which are more tolerant of drought, were the most dominant, indicating a post-drought woody vegetation that is more resistant to water stress. The increased presence of food-producing species in agroforestry parks (cultivated fields with woody plants) seems to reflect the growing needs of the human population.



摘要干旱和土地退化导致生物多样性和生态系统服务损失,对人类福祉产生严重影响。自 1970 年代至 1980 年代干旱结束以来,萨赫勒地区的植物覆盖率有所增加,但了解这种变化的性质和影响仍然是当务之急。本研究旨在评估自布基纳法索干旱以来重新绿化的农业系统的木本植物区系组成的变化。148个植被调查样地分布在木本植物覆盖增加和受到一定程度保护的区域,共鉴定出23科51属71种。与干旱前的植物群相比,我们的测量结果显示木本物种的多样性和密度有所下降。Combretaceae 物种和该属的棘手物种相思龟头石,更耐旱,是最主要的,表明干旱后的木本植被更能抵抗水分胁迫。农林业公园(种植木本植物的耕地)中粮食生产物种的增加似乎反映了人口不断增长的需求。