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Influence of light and kairomone baiting systems on trap collections of biting midges in southern Sweden.
Journal of Vector Ecology ( IF 1.4 ) Pub Date : 2020-06-03 , DOI: 10.1111/jvec.12372
Daniel Bray 1, 2 , Elin Isberg 1 , Ylva Hillbur 1 , Rickard Ignell 1

Effective surveillance is essential for protecting livestock from Culicoides biting midges and the viruses they transmit. The objective of this study was to determine how the baiting system used in traps (UV, incandescent light, incandescent light with CO2, and incandescent light with CO2 and 1‐octen‐3‐ol) influences estimates of midge population abundance, parity, and diel activity. This was achieved through a standardized trapping protocol conducted in three habitats in Sweden. UV light traps caught the most Culicoides species and more C. obsoletus complex females than incandescent light traps. Traps baited with CO2 plus 1‐octen‐3‐ol caught more female C. impunctatus than incandescent light traps. No consistent effect of bait type was found on C. obsoletus parity rate, as estimated from the proportion of midges with presence or absence of pigmentation. Midge activity, as reflected by trap catches, peaked between ‐3 h and +3 h relative to sunset, with UV traps catching significantly more female C. obsoletus complex and C. impunctatus at and after sunset than before sunset. We conclude that baiting system can influence biting midge collections, even using identical traps. Effective surveillance may require more than one bait type and kairomones to attract species that do not feed exclusively on cattle.



有效的监视对于保护牲畜免遭库咬住蚊虫和它们传播的病毒至关重要。这项研究的目的是确定诱捕器中使用的诱饵系统(紫外线,白炽灯,含CO 2的白炽灯以及含CO 2和1-octen-3-ol的白炽灯)如何影响蚊虫种群的丰度,均价和diel活动。这是通过在瑞典的三个栖息地进行的标准化诱捕方案实现的。紫外线诱捕器比白炽灯诱捕最多的Culicoides种类和更多的C. obsoletus复杂雌性。用CO 2加1-octen-3-ol诱捕的诱捕器捕获了更多的雌性C.比白炽灯陷阱 根据存在或不存在色素沉着的mid的比例估计,诱饵类型对陈旧梭菌的产卵率没有一致的影响。陷阱捕获所反映的蚊活动相对于日落在‐3 h至+3 h达到峰值,与日落之前和之后相比,UV陷阱捕获的雌性C. obsoletus复合物和C. impunctatus明显多于日落之前。我们得出结论,即使使用相同的诱捕装置,诱饵系统也可能会影响蚊子的叮咬。有效的监视可能需要一种以上的诱饵类型和海洛酮来吸引并非仅以牛为食的物种。