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Improvement of physical training by performance-enhancing substances.
Acta Physiologica ( IF 5.6 ) Pub Date : 2020-06-03 , DOI: 10.1111/apha.13517
Cem Erdogan 1

Currently, the Covid‐19 pandemic forces almost every country to take drastic measures to stop the spread of the virus. These include the avoidance of close contact with other humans, staying at home whenever possible and the closure of gyms or sport clubs. Now that people are more or less bound to their home, it is even more important to stay physically active. The occasional walks between sofa and fridge are not enough to keep your body in shape. But why is exercise so important and is there anything one can take to get the most out of every single training session?

Regular exercise is essential for a healthy lifestyle. The widely known results are improved body composition, reduction of blood pressure, plasma cholesterol and body fat percentage.1-3 Furthermore, exercise leads to an improved whole body insulin sensitivity, by increasing the number of active glucose transporters and glycogen synthesis.4 It reduces the risk of several chronic diseases such as diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, dementia and depression.5 Exercise not only influences metabolism but also most certainly causes a gain in strength and muscle fibre size.6 In addition, the benefits are not only for the individuals themselves but may lead to a better epigenetic impact, regarding metabolic diseases, for their future offspring.7 Speaking of offspring—when using high doses of NSAIDs to ease the headache they can give you, muscle hypertrophy is impaired.8, 9 However, there are factors other than physical activity, which can influence the size of skeletal muscles, including genetics, environment and metabolism.10 The effects of exercise are more impressive in untrained compared to already trained persons.11 In other words, the relative progress due to training reduces with increased physical fitness. This may lead to a decrease in motivation in well‐trained subjects. As a result, people may resort to drugs or substances which support their training progress.

Performance‐enhancing substances (PES) have the ability or potential to alter the human body and biological functions, including the ability to considerably improve athletic performance.12 They are widely used by athletes in expectance of an increase in performance, strength and muscle mass. The international watchdog against use of illicit drugs among athletes, the World Anti‐Doping Agency (WADA), regularly updates the list of prohibited substances. This article, however, focuses on those which are legally accessible, specifically creatine, protein, beta‐hydroxy‐beta‐methylbutyrate and caffeine.

Creatine is an endogenic substance which is involved in energy metabolism, thus important in tissues with high metabolic demand.13 It is produced in two steps in the kidney and liver from the amino acids arginine and glycine. Up to 95% of formed creatine is stored in skeletal muscles, most of it as creatine phosphate.14 The creatine kinase transfers the phosphate group from phosphocreatine to ADP, forming ATP. After functioning as an energy substrate, creatine is degraded to creatinine, which is excreted by the kidney. Therefore, high serum creatinine levels can be an indicator for kidney damage. As a PES, creatine increases strength, performance in short‐duration and high‐intensity exercises, number of repetitions and total force.15 These effects may result from either increased availability of ATP leading to a greater energy reserve for exercise or a better adaption to a more intense training. It is also hypothesized that creatine enhances satellite cell (muscle stem cell) differentiation and mitotic activity.13 People who do not show an effect after creatine use are called non‐responders. It is said that their creatine level before supplementation was already high; thus, the extra creatine did not show great effects.14 Many studies indicate the safety of short‐term creatine use, but long‐term studies are limited.15 This is why creatine use for a long period should be avoided. Supplementation did not change serum creatinine levels in healthy individuals.15 There are theories that the osmotic activity of creatine, and the resulting flow of water into the muscle cells, can lead to dehydration, compartment syndrome, muscle cramps or heatstroke.15 But, none of these theories have been supported.

Protein supplementation is not only popular in sports but also it is also marketed to non‐athletes in different kinds of food, where the protein replaces carbohydrates or fat. These products, such as protein candy bars, protein bread, etc, supposedly offer a healthy alternative and help with weight management. The most common protein for athletes comes in the form of a powder, which is mixed with water or milk to make drinks. Additional protein supplementation, combined with resistance exercise, increases muscle mass and strength.16 It enhances protein synthesis rate and inhibits muscle protein breakdown.17 The effects are greater in trained and young individuals.16, 17 A protein intake of 1.6 g/kg BW/d is sufficient. An additional intake did not show any significant differences in gains of muscle mass or strength.16 However, a protein intake above 1.2 g/kg BW/d is considered a high‐protein diet and may cause alterations in renal function and health.18 The osmotic activity of amino acids leads to a higher glomerular filtration rate (GFR) at first, but a resulting kidney damage reduces the GFR in the long haul.18 People with normal kidney function are less likely to develop a reduced GFR through long‐term high‐protein intake than people with subnormal kidney function.18 Unfortunately, a decrease in GFR is normally diagnosed when the kidneys have already lost most of their functionality. Additional diagnostic tools for detection of early stage kidney injury are needed.19 Therefore, while protein supplementation may be beneficial for exercising, it should be used cautiously. Resistance exercise by itself has a greater effect on sports performance than the addition of protein supplements, so training should be the first priority.16

Beta‐hydroxy‐beta‐methylbutyrate (HMB) is an endogenous molecule and used as a PES. It is synthesized from leucine in two steps. First is the transamination of leucin to alpha‐ketoisocaproic acid, which occurs mainly in the skeletal muscles. Second, the ketoisocaproic acid is metabolized by KIC dioxygenase to HMB outside of the muscles.20 The half‐life of HMB is about 1‐3 hours in humans. It is excreted by the kidney, but most of the HMB will be used for HMG‐CoA synthesis, which is a direct precursor molecule for cholesterol synthesis.20 HMB enhances protein synthesis and reduces protein breakdown in skeletal muscles.14 The suggested mechanisms are the upregulation of mTOR and an influence on the growth hormone/IGF‐1 axis for protein synthesis and hypertrophy; and inhibition of ubiquitin proteasome and the autophagy‐lysosome systems for protein breakdown.14, 20 HMB increases muscle size, strength, aerobic performance, regenerative capacity and reduces muscle damage.20 In some studies, there was no positive effect of HMB supplementation in already strength trained athletes, for example, American football or rugby players. The positive effects only occur when combined with exercise.20 HMB does not show any adverse effects, which makes it a safe PES.14, 20

Caffeine is the most popular and most consumed stimulant all over the world. Many people claim to be tired or non‐productive without their daily caffeine. Maybe this is their way of whitewashing their addiction. Caffeine belongs to the group of xanthines and is found in various plants. Most people consume it in the form of coffee or tea, but there are also energy drinks or capsules/tablets which usually have a very high concentration. Caffeine is an adenosine receptor antagonist, whose effects include increased attentiveness, improved mood and cognitive processes; and in higher doses, it leads to an elevated heart rate and catecholamine levels.21 The catecholamines themselves also affect sympathetic activity. With regard to endurance exercise, strength and peak power, the performance is enhanced after caffeine ingestion of moderate to high doses.21 Caffeine stimulates the intracellular calcium release in striated muscles and stabilizes the ion concentration in the muscle cells. Both effects of caffeine may improve the muscular performance.22, 23 Low caffeine doses (<3 mg/kg BW) have small effects only in endurance exercises. This may be due to the influence on the nervous system, which is already activated in low doses compared to other tissues.21 The side effects of caffeine comprise gastrointestinal discomforts, nervousness, sleep disturbances and mental confusion.21 It is also debated if caffeine consumption can raise the risk of renal lithiasis, by increasing the amount of calcium in the tubules, or if it even helps against this matter, through its diuretic effect.24, 25

The majority of studies shows a beneficial effect of creatine, protein, HMB and caffeine on muscular growth and performance, when taken in an appropriate manner. However, it must be emphasized again, that exercise alone already has numerous benefits for body composition, metabolism and fitness level. Also, everyone capable of doing sports is trainable and physical training, in some way, is possible and necessary even under more difficult conditions.







补充蛋白质不仅在体育运动中很流行,而且还销售给非运动员使用不同种类的食物,其中的蛋白质代替碳水化合物或脂肪。这些产品,例如蛋白质直板棒,蛋白质面包等,据说可以提供健康的选择,并有助于减轻体重。对于运动员而言,最常见的蛋白质是粉末形式,将其与水或牛奶混合制成饮料。额外的蛋白质补充,加上抵抗运动,可以增加肌肉质量和力量。16它可以提高蛋白质合成速率并抑制肌肉蛋白质分解。17在训练有素的年轻人中影响更大。16、17每天摄入1.6 g / kg BW /天的蛋白质就足够了。额外的摄入量在肌肉质量或力量增加方面未显示任何显着差异。16但是,蛋白质摄入量超过1.2 g / kg BW / d被认为是高蛋白饮食,可能会导致肾脏功能和健康状况的改变。18氨基酸的渗透活性起初会导致较高的肾小球滤过率(GFR),但由此产生的肾脏损害会在长途中降低GFR。18肾功能正常的人比肾功能不正常的人通过长期高蛋白摄入而导致GFR降低的可能性较小。18不幸的是,通常在肾脏已经丧失大部分功能时才能诊断出GFR降低。需要用于检测早期肾脏损伤的其他诊断工具。19因此,尽管补充蛋白质可能有益于锻炼,但应谨慎使用。与添加蛋白质补充剂相比,抵抗运动本身对运动表现的影响更大,因此,训练应该是首要任务。16

β-羟基-β-甲基丁酸酯(HMB)是一种内源性分子,用作PES。它是由亮氨酸分两步合成的。首先是亮氨酸转氨为α-酮异己酸,主要发生在骨骼肌中。其次,酮异己酸被KIC双加氧酶代谢为肌肉外部的HMB。20 HMB在人类中的半衰期约为1-3小时。它通过肾脏排泄,但是大多数HMB将用于HMG-CoA合成,这是胆固醇合成的直接前体分子。20 HMB可增强蛋白质合成,并减少骨骼肌中的蛋白质分解。14建议的机制是mTOR的上调以及对蛋白质合成和肥大的生长激素/ IGF-1轴的影响;抑制泛素蛋白酶体和自噬溶酶体系统降解蛋白质。14,20 HMB增加肌肉大小,强度,有氧性能,再生能力和减少肌肉损伤。20在一些研究中,补充HMB对已经受过力量训练的运动员(例如美式橄榄球或橄榄球运动员)没有积极作用。只有与运动结合才能产生积极作用。20 HMB未显示任何不利影响,这使其成为安全的PES。14、20

咖啡因是全世界最受欢迎和最消耗的兴奋剂。许多人声称没有每日咖啡因会感到疲倦或无能为力。也许这是他们粉饰他们的瘾的方法。咖啡因属于黄嘌呤类,存在于多种植物中。大多数人以咖啡或茶的形式食用它,但也有能量饮料或胶囊/片剂,它们通常浓度很高。咖啡因是一种腺苷受体拮抗剂,其作用包括提高注意力,改善情绪和认知过程。高剂量会导致心率和儿茶酚胺水平升高。21儿茶酚胺本身也影响交感神经活动。关于耐力运动,力量和峰值力量,中度至高剂量摄入咖啡因后,性能会增强。21咖啡因刺激横纹肌中的细胞内钙释放,并稳定肌细胞中的离子浓度。咖啡因的两种作用均可改善肌肉性能。22,23低咖啡因剂量(<3 mg / kg体重)仅在耐力锻炼中有很小的作用。这可能是由于对神经系统的影响,与其他组织相比,神经系统已经以低剂量被激活。21咖啡因的副作用包括胃肠不适,神经质,睡眠障碍和精神错乱。21食用咖啡因是否会通过增加肾小管中钙的含量而增加肾结石的风险,或者是否通过利尿作用甚至有助于解决这一问题,也引起了争议。24、25

