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The Late Saalian Cyprina clay of northeastern Germany and the following Weichselian sedimentation and deformation history – Review and new data
Boreas ( IF 2.4 ) Pub Date : 2020-06-02 , DOI: 10.1111/bor.12439
Karsten Obst 1, 2 , Jörg Ansorge 2 , Christine Thiel 3, 4 , Peter Frenzel 5

Glacially dislocated fossiliferous clay – hitherto called Cyprina clay– and associated Pleistocene sediments are exposed at the northeastern German coast. They were uplifted as glacial rafts from a position of about 30 m below the sea level and incorporated into glaciotectonic complexes of Dornbusch (Hiddensee), Arkona (Rügen) and Greifswalder Oie during the ice advances of the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM). Optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) ages of the fossil‐bearing clay and the overlying glacifluvial/lacustrine successions give insights into Late Saalian, Eemian and Early to Middle Weichselian development of the southern Baltic Sea area. The age data especially support the observation of changing environmental conditions prior to the Eemian warm period as suggested by the fossil record. A high‐arctic brackish fauna documented in a lower reddish‐grey clay is followed by a more boreal brackish‐marine to marine fauna in the overlying olive and/or greenish‐grey clay. This implies conditions of glacial meltwater running to the northwest during the deglaciation phase of the last Saalian Warthe ice advance and inflow of cold marine water from the North Atlantic area along the margin of the Scandinavian Ice Sheet into the Skagerrak and the Kattegat. Subsequently, water with higher salinity entered the mouths and channels of large rivers crossing the southern Baltic Sea area from SE to NW comparable with those of the Oder and Vistula rivers. Eemian Cyprina clay deposits with lusitanian faunal elements are not exposed in the study area but occur in Denmark and northwestern Germany. To distinguish the different facies types and age of the clay, we introduce the stratigraphical term Vitt Formation for the Late Saalian Cyprina clay in NE Germany, comprising Roundstonia, Portlandia and Arctica members – each with characteristic microfossil species.



冰川错位的化石粘土(迄今称为Cyprina粘土)和相关的更新世沉积物暴露在德国东北海岸。在最后冰川最大期(LGM)的冰期中,它们从海平面以下约30 m的位置被抬高为冰川筏,并被纳入多恩布施(Hiddensee),阿科纳(Rügen)和格赖夫斯瓦尔德伊(Greifswalder Oie)的冰川构造复合体中。含化石的粘土的光学激发发光(OSL)年龄和上覆的冰川冲积/湖相演替为洞悉波罗的海南部地区的萨利期,艾美期和魏氏早期至中期发展提供了见识。根据化石记录的建议,年龄数据特别支持观察Eemian暖期之前环境条件的变化。在较低的红灰色黏土中记录了高北极微咸动物群,然后在上覆的橄榄和/或绿色灰色黏土中出现了较北方咸的微咸海洋生物。这意味着在上一次萨利河战争的冰消期阶段,冰川融水流向西北部,冰层前进,冷的海水从北大西洋沿斯堪的纳维亚冰原边缘流入斯卡格拉克和卡特加特河。随后,与奥得河和维斯杜拉河相比,盐度更高的水进入了从东南到西北跨越波罗的海南部地区的大型河流的口和河道。具有鲁西塔尼亚动物区系元素的Eemian Cyprina粘土矿床并未在研究区内暴露,而是在丹麦和德国西北部发生。