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Reciprocal-transplantation between shallow and mesophotic stony corals.
Marine Environmental Research ( IF 3.0 ) Pub Date : 2020-06-03 , DOI: 10.1016/j.marenvres.2020.105035
Raz Tamir 1 , Or Ben-Zvi 1 , Gal Eyal 2 , Netanel Kramer 3 , Yossi Loya 3

Most studies to date on the various life-history aspects of scleractinian corals (e.g. reproduction, connectivity, and physiology) have focused on their innate habitats. However, comprehensive data on the ability of both shallow and mesophotic corals to contend in the coming decades with the different environmental conditions they may encounter due to new habitats or environmental changes (e.g. eutrophication), are scarce. Long-term cross-transplantation experiments assessing the potential responses and acclimatization ability of corals are thus needed in order to expand our knowledge. Here we examined the survivorship and changes in the photobiological acclimatization of corals following their cross-transplantation between two different depths (5–10 m and 45 m) and two sites characterized by different abiotic conditions (i.e. light, nutrient, and sedimentation regime). This year-long in-situ experiment was performed on five depth-generalist coral species. Depth of origin and the species’ particular morphology were found to be the strongest predictors of survivorship. Physiological responses occurred mainly among those corals that had been translocated from deep-to-shallow water, and were expressed in a significant reduction in chlorophyll-a concentration and algal density, as well as changes in photosynthetic parameters (e.g. minimal/maximal saturating points, Ek and Em, and rETRmax). Our study contributes to a better assessment of the physiological and ecological consequences of corals under acute and long-term environmental perturbations and their endurance abilities. Furthermore, it contributes to the information necessary for effective management intervention aimed at supporting the possible acclimation or rehabilitation of coral species



迄今为止,大多数关于巩膜珊瑚的生活史方面的研究(例如繁殖,连通性和生理学)都集中在它们的固有生境上。但是,缺乏关于浅层和中生珊瑚在未来几十年中与由于新的生境或环境变化(例如富营养化)而可能遇到的不同环境条件竞争的能力的综合数据。因此,需要长期的跨移植实验来评估珊瑚的潜在反应和适应能力,以扩展我们的知识。在这里,我们研究了珊瑚在两种不同深度(5–10 m和45 m)和两个以不同非生物条件(即光,营养,盐和盐为特征)的位置之间交叉移植后的存活率和光生物学适应的变化。和沉淀制度)。今年一年五个深度绅士珊瑚物种上进行了原位实验。发现起源的深度和物种的特殊形态是生存能力的最强预测因子。生理反应主要发生在从深水转移到浅水的珊瑚中,并表现为叶绿素显着降低(a浓度和藻类密度)以及光合参数的变化(例如最小/最大饱和点, E k和E m,以及rETR max)。我们的研究有助于更好地评估珊瑚在急性和长期环境扰动下的生理和生态后果及其承受能力。此外,它为有效的管理干预提供了必要的信息,旨在支持可能的珊瑚物种适应或恢复
