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Behavioral response of Trichogramma papilionis in response to host eggs, host plants, and induced volatile plant cues
Biological Control ( IF 3.7 ) Pub Date : 2020-10-01 , DOI: 10.1016/j.biocontrol.2020.104323
Abdulla N. Ali , Mark G. Wright

Abstract Egg parasitoids have evolved various searching behaviors to facilitate finding and locating their hosts in nature. Plant volatiles and host cues induced by egg deposition may be used by female wasps to detect host eggs. We studied host seeking behavior in Trichogramma papilionis (Hymenoptera: Trichogrammatidae) to different infochemical cues using Y-tube olfactometry. T. papilionis females preferred odors from Helicoverpa zea (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) eggs compared to Ephestia kuehniella (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae) eggs. When plants were infested with H. zea eggs, T. papilionis preferred infested sunn hemp, Crotalaria juncea, over maize, Zea mays. No preference was observed in plants not infested with H. zea eggs, suggesting T. papilionis showed a positive response to stimuli from sunn hemp plants that might be induced by H. zea oviposition. The difference in plant volatile organic components with and without oviposition was investigated by head-space analysis. Compounds detected at notably higher concentrations in the egg plus plant material samples were found to be consistent with a number of compounds known to be pheromone-associated. Leaves with eggs oviposited on them produced some compounds that were unique compared to untreated plant material, and some of those compounds have known insect pheromone activity.


Trichogramma papilionis 响应寄主卵、寄主植物和诱导的挥发性植物线索的行为反应

摘要 卵寄生物进化出各种搜索行为,以方便在自然界中寻找和定位宿主。雌性黄蜂可以使用由卵沉积引起的植物挥发物和寄主线索来检测寄主卵。我们使用 Y 管嗅觉测量法研究了 Trichogramma papilionis(膜翅目:Trichogrammatidae)对不同信息化学线索的宿主寻找行为。与 Ephestia kuehniella(鳞翅目:Pyralidae)卵相比,T. papilionis 雌性更喜欢 Helicoverpa zea(鳞翅目:夜蛾科)卵的气味。当植物被玉米 H. zea 卵侵染时,T. papilionis 更喜欢受侵染的阳光大麻 Crotalaria juncea,而不是玉米,Zea mays。在未感染玉米 H. zea 卵的植物中没有观察到偏好,这表明 T. papilionis 对来自可能由 H. zea 产卵诱导的阳光大麻植物的刺激表现出积极的反应。通过顶空分析研究了有和没有产卵的植物挥发性有机成分的差异。发现在鸡蛋加植物材料样品中检测到的浓度明显更高的化合物与许多已知与信息素相关的化合物一致。与未处理的植物材料相比,带有卵子的叶子产生了一些独特的化合物,其中一些化合物具有已知的昆虫信息素活性。