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Variabilities of carbonate δ 13 C signal in response to the late Paleozoic glaciations, Long’an, South China
Frontiers of Earth Science ( IF 1.8 ) Pub Date : 2020-06-03 , DOI: 10.1007/s11707-019-0781-9
Bing Yang , Xionghua Zhang , Wenkun Qie , Yi Wei , Xing Huang , Haodong Xia

An integrated study of biostratigraphy, microfacies, and stable carbon isotope stratigraphy was carried out on the late Famennian-early Asselian carbonates of the Long’an section in Guangxi, South China. Stable carbon isotope studies in the Long’an section have revealed four major positive shifts of δ13C values in the Carboniferous strata in South China. The first shift occurred in the Siphonodella dasaibaensia zone in the Tournaisian, with an amplitude of 4.19‰. The second shift occurred near the Visean/Serpukhovian boundary, with an amplitude of 2.63‰. The third shift occurred in the Serpukhovian, with an amplitude of 3.95‰. The fourth shift occurred in the Kasimovian, with an amplitude of 3.69‰. Furthermore, there were several brief positive δ13C shifts during the late Famennian to early Tournaisian. All of these shifts can be well correlated globally, and each corresponds to sea-level regressions in South China and Euro-America, indicating increases in ocean primary productivity and global cooling events. Chronologically, the four major positive excursions of δ13C, together with several brief positive δ13C shifts that were observed during the late Famennian to the early Tournaisian, correspond to the well-accepted Glacial I, II, and III events.