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Fuelling the Fires: The Contribution of Wood Charcoal Analysis to a Landscape Scale Project at and Around Pre-Conquest Iron Age Silchester and a Reflection on Its Wider Implications
Environmental Archaeology ( IF 1.2 ) Pub Date : 2019-03-20 , DOI: 10.1080/14614103.2019.1590513
Catherine Barnett 1

ABSTRACT The contribution of targeted wood charcoal analysis (anthracology) to understanding of the 1st millennium BC Pre-Conquest Late Iron Age oppidum and transition to Early Roman town life at Silchester and nearby late prehistoric hinterland sites investigated by the Silchester Environs project is considered. Attention is given to whether substantive differences in charcoal assemblages of varying size and origin are discernible through time and space, and to their value in elucidating landscape, environment, woodland structure, taphonomy, site function and lifestyles. This paper aims to take stock of the work so far and reflect on what lessons can be learned within and beyond the project. Site-level data are summarised and contrasted for the reader, while full context-level interpretation is published elsewhere [Barnett Forthcoming a. “The Early Roman Wood Charcoal and Waterlogged Wood at Silchester.” In Silchester Insula IX: The Claudio-Neronian occupation of the Iron Age Oppidum. Britannia Monograph Series, edited by M. G. Fulford, A. Clarke, E. Durham, and N. Pankhurst. London: The Society for the Promotion of Roman Studies; and Barnett Forthcoming c. “Overview of the Archaeobotanical Evidence.” In Silchester Environs: The Landscape Context of Iron Age Calleva, edited by C. Barnett, and M. G. Fulford. Oxford: Oxbow Books monograph].



摘要 有针对性的木炭分析(炭疽学)对了解公元前 1 千年前征服前铁器时代晚期 oppidum 和过渡到西尔切斯特和附近的西尔切斯特环境项目调查的史前晚期腹地遗址的早期罗马城镇生活的贡献被考虑在内。关注不同大小和来源的木炭组合的实质性差异是否可以通过时间和空间辨别,以及它们在阐明景观、环境、林地结构、埋藏学、场地功能和生活方式方面的价值。本文旨在评估迄今为止的工作,并反思可以在项目内外吸取哪些经验教训。站点级数据为读者进行了总结和对比,而完整的上下文级解释在别处发表 [Barnett Forthcoming a. “西尔切斯特的早期罗马木炭和浸水木材。” 在 Silchester Insula IX:铁器时代 Oppidum 的 Claudio-Neronian 占领。不列颠专着系列,由 MG Fulford、A. Clarke、E. Durham 和 N. Pankhurst 编辑。伦敦:罗马研究促进会;和 Barnett 即将到来 c。“古植物学证据概述。” 在 Silchester Environs: The Landscape Context of Iron Age Calleva,由 C. Barnett 和 MG Fulford 编辑。牛津:Oxbow Books 专着]。“古植物学证据概述。” 在 Silchester Environs: The Landscape Context of Iron Age Calleva,由 C. Barnett 和 MG Fulford 编辑。牛津:Oxbow Books 专着]。“古植物学证据概述。” 在 Silchester Environs: The Landscape Context of Iron Age Calleva,由 C. Barnett 和 MG Fulford 编辑。牛津:Oxbow Books 专着]。