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Living in a time of change: Late Pleistocene/Holocene transitional vertebrate fauna of Grot Skeliastyi (Crimea, Ukraine)
Historical Biology ( IF 1.4 ) Pub Date : 2020-06-02 , DOI: 10.1080/08912963.2020.1769094
Oleksandr Kovalchuk 1 , Leonid Rekovets 2 , Aleksander Tsvelykh 3 , Vadym Yanenko 1 , Valery Manko 4 , Svetlana Tajkova 5


The paper presents the results of the study of vertebrate fossil assemblages recovered from the Grot Skeliastyi rock shelter in south-western Crimea (Ukraine). The deposition of its fossil-bearing layers covers the time span from the Late Glacial to the early Holocene. The studied sample consists of 2,736 bones belonging to 52 species of vertebrates (including 3 fishes, 1 amphibian, 12 reptiles, 10 birds, 26 small and large mammals). Among them, the past presence of the Aesculapian snake, four-lined ratsnake, squacco heron, tree pipit, and water pipit in the region is here documented for the first time. Extinct taxa in the faunal assemblage of Grot Skeliastyi were represented by wild horse, European ass, steppe bison, and woolly mammoth. Remains of small animals were accumulated due to the feeding activity of the eagle owl, while bones of large mammals could have been a part of the prey of carnivores but mostly are associated with the hunting activity of ancient people who inhabited the rock shelter. Most of the species persisted from the Pleistocene to the Holocene without losses. Our results indicate that the Pleistocene/Holocene transition in Crimea was not characterised by drastic faunal changes unlike those in other parts of Eastern Europe.Not StartedCompletedRejected


生活在变化的时代:Grot Skeliastyi(克里米亚,乌克兰)的晚更新世/全新世过渡脊椎动物群


本文介绍了从克里米亚西南部(乌克兰)的 Grot Skeliastyi 岩石避难所中回收的脊椎动物化石组合的研究结果。其含化石层的沉积涵盖了从晚冰期到全新世早期的时间跨度。所研究的样本由属于 52 种脊椎动物(包括 3 种鱼类、1 种两栖动物、12 种爬行动物、10 种鸟类、26 种小型和大型哺乳动物)的 2,736 块骨头组成。其中,这里首次记载了该地区过去存在的七纹蛇、四纹鼠蛇、苍鹭、树鹬和水鹳。Grot Skeliastyi 动物群中已灭绝的分类群以野马、欧洲驴、草原野牛和猛犸象为代表。由于鹰鸮的摄食活动,堆积了小动物的遗骸,虽然大型哺乳动物的骨头可能是食肉动物猎物的一部分,但大多与居住在岩石庇护所的古代人的狩猎活动有关。大多数物种从更新世持续到全新世而没有损失。我们的研究结果表明,与东欧其他地区不同,克里米亚的更新世/全新世转变没有以剧烈的动物群变化为特征。未开始完成拒绝
