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Mental health participation in the fight against the COVID‐19 pandemic
Depression and Anxiety ( IF 4.7 ) Pub Date : 2020-05-13 , DOI: 10.1002/da.23027
Murray B. Stein

At the time of this writing in mid‐April 2020, the COVID‐19 pandemic continues to ravage the world and take its toll on the health and welfare of millions of infected individuals, and billions of others—family members, friends, healthcare workers, unemployed individuals, and the rest of us reading the news and watching from the sidelines. Many mental health professionals have taken on central roles in the response to this crisis, some planning how to care for hospitalized seriously mentally ill patients, (Druss, 2020) some working on consultation‐liaison services which have assumed critical psychological health and well‐being functions for patients and their families, (Arango, 2020) and others manning the front lines of Emergency Department psychiatric services.

Many of us watch from, relatively speaking, the sidelines. Some are fortunate enough to continue doing our jobs via telehealth (in the case of patient and client care) or on‐line meetings and lectures (in the case of research and academia). You may wonder if you should be doing more. And what might that “more” be? For clinicians there are, in many places, opportunities to provide volunteer mental health services to our colleagues on the front lines, to the many nurses and cardiologists and emergency medicine docs and pulmonary therapists and food service workers who can't do their work remotely. We can also reach out proactively to our friends and colleagues who we know are in dire straits. As mental health professionals, it's not that we have special wisdom on how to avoid exposure to the novel coronavirus or how to avoid illness once infected. But we do know a thing or two about managing stress, about the importance of decatastrophizing, about the benefits of sleep and the adverse effects of too much alcohol. We can share this knowledge with our peers, friends, and families.

Those who work in academia and research can also do their share. The effects of the novel coronavirus on central nervous system function are only now being recognized, and more research is sorely needed. It goes without saying that this pandemic—the illness itself, the effects of quarantine, and the impact of ICU stays (Sareen et al., 2020) and ventilation for some—will leave emotional scarring in its wake. We will see some first responders, family and professional caregivers, and survivors of COVID‐19 struggle with posttraumatic stress disorder, major depression, substance abuse and other behavioral health sequelae that have followed other pandemics (Holmes et al., 2020). We should advocate for immediate funding to carry out the studies requisite to determining how many are affected, who is most vulnerable, and what services are needed. The impact of the pandemic on rates of suicide is unknown, and appropriate surveillance and the possibility of emergent intervention is a must. Learning several years after the fact that suicide rates have gone up (if they do) would be a tragedy, one that must be forestalled.

Many of you reading this editorial are already doing this and more, on the front‐, middle‐, and sidelines of the pandemic. On behalf of the editorial board of Depression and Anxiety and our Deputy Editors, we thank you and please stay well.



在撰写本文时(2020年4月中旬),COVID-19大流行继续肆虐世界,并损害了数百万受感染者以及数十亿其他人(家庭成员,朋友,医护人员,失业者,而我们其余的人则在新闻旁听和观望。许多精神卫生专业人员在应对危机中发挥了核心作用,一些计划如何护理住院的严重精神疾病患者(Druss,  2020年),一些从事咨询联络服务的工作已经承担了至关重要的心理健康和福祉。为患者及其家人提供服务(Arango,  2020年),以及为急诊科精神科服务的前线服务的其他人员。


在学术界和研究界工作的人也可以尽自己的一份力量。新型冠状病毒对中枢神经系统功能的作用直到现在才被认识到,因此迫切需要进行更多的研究。毋庸置疑,这种大流行(疾病本身,隔离的影响以及ICU停留的影响(Sareen等,  2020)和某些人的通气)将在其后留下情感上的疤痕。我们将看到一些急救人员,家庭和专业护理人员以及COVID-19的幸存者在创伤后应激障碍,重度抑郁,药物滥用和其他行为健康后遗症中挣扎,而这些后遗症也在其他大流行之后出现(Holmes等,  2020年))。我们应该提倡立即拨款,开展必要的研究,以确定受影响的人数,最脆弱的人群以及需要的服务。大流行对自杀率的影响尚不清楚,必须进行适当的监视和紧急干预的可能性。在自杀率上升(如果确实如此)之后的几年里了解到这将是一场悲剧,必须防止这种悲剧发生。

