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Long-term changes in bat activity in Quebec suggest climatic responses and summer niche partitioning associated with white-nose syndrome.
Ecology and Evolution ( IF 2.6 ) Pub Date : 2020-06-02 , DOI: 10.1002/ece3.6194
Julie Faure-Lacroix 1 , André Desrochers 1 , Louis Imbeau 2 , Anouk Simard 3

In North America, the greatest and most sudden threat to hibernating bats is white‐nose syndrome (WNS), which has caused massive declines in populations since 2006. Other determinants of bat dynamics, such as the climate, and the effect of reduction in the number of individuals sharing foraging space and summer roosting habitat may have an effect on population dynamics. We analyzed transect acoustic bat surveys conducted with ultrasonic detectors in 16 regions in Quebec, Canada, between 2000 and 2015. We used piecewise regression to describe changes in activity over time for each species and a meta‐analytic approach to measure its association with the North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO). As expected, mouse‐eared bat (Myotis spp.) activity sharply declined after the onset of WNS, down by 79% after 3 years. In contrast, big brown/silver‐haired bat activity increased over the same period, possibly due to a release of competition. Hoary bats and red bats remained present, although their activity did not increase. Myotis activity was positively correlated with a one‐year lag to the NAO index, associated with cold conditions in winter, but warm autumns. Big brown/silver‐haired and hoary bats were also more active during NAO‐positive years but without a lag. We conclude that combinations of threats may create rapid shifts in community compositions and that a more balanced research agenda that integrates a wider range of threats would help better understand and manage those changes.



在北美洲,冬眠蝙蝠面临的最大和最突然的威胁是白鼻综合症 (WNS),自 2006 年以来,这种综合症导致蝙蝠数量大幅下降。影响蝙蝠动态的其他决定因素,例如气候以及蝙蝠数量减少的影响共享觅食空间和夏季栖息地的个体数量可能会对种群动态产生影响。我们分析了 2000 年至 2015 年间在加拿大魁北克省 16 个地区使用超声波探测器进行的横断面声学蝙蝠调查。我们使用分段回归来描述每个物种随时间的活动变化,并使用荟萃分析方法来衡量其与北方的关联大西洋涛动 (NAO)。正如预期的那样,鼠耳蝠 ( Myotis spp.) 的活动在 WNS 发病后急剧下降,3 年后下降了 79%。相比之下,同一时期大型棕色/银毛蝙蝠的活动有所增加,这可能是由于竞争的放松。灰蝠和红蝠仍然存在,但它们的活动没有增加。鼠耳蝠活动与 NAO 指数一年的滞后呈正相关,与冬季寒冷但秋季温暖的条件有关。在 NAO 呈阳性的年份,大棕毛/银毛蝙蝠和灰白蝙蝠也更加活跃,但没有滞后。我们的结论是,威胁的组合可能会导致社区构成的快速变化,并且整合更广泛的威胁的更平衡的研究议程将有助于更好地理解和管理这些变化。