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Approximation algorithm for minimum weight connected-k-subgraph cover
Theoretical Computer Science ( IF 1.1 ) Pub Date : 2020-06-02 , DOI: 10.1016/j.tcs.2020.05.043
Pengcheng Liu , Zhao Zhang , Xiaohui Huang

For a given graph G, the minimum weight connected-k-subgraph cover problem (MinWCkSC) is to find a minimum weight vertex subset C of G such that each connected subgraph of G on k vertices contains at least one vertex of C. Previously, Zhang et al. [37] presented a (k1)-approximation algorithm for MinWCkSC under the assumption that the girth of G, which is the length of a shortest cycle of G, is at least k. In this paper, we improve this result by showing that (k1)-approximation can be achieved when the girth requirement is relaxed from k to 2k/3.


为最小重量connected-近似算法ķ -subgraph盖

对于给定的图G,最小权重连接的k个子图覆盖问题(MinWC k SC)是找到G的最小权重顶点子集C,以使k个顶点上G的每个连接子图都包含C的至少一个顶点。此前,Zhang等。[37]提出了一个ķ-1个近似算法为MinWC ķ假设的周长下SC ģ,这是最短的周期的长度ģ,是至少ķ。在本文中,我们通过显示ķ-1个-当周长要求从k放宽到2ķ/3
