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Effects of a Short-Term Increase in the Intensity of 630.0-nm Emissions of Atomic Oxygen [OI] at Lower Thermospheric Altitudes due to Anthropogenic Activity
Geomagnetism and Aeronomy ( IF 0.7 ) Pub Date : 2020-04-03 , DOI: 10.1134/s0016793220010107
A. V. Mikhalev , R. V. Vasilyev , A. B. Beletskii


The paper examines the results of optical observations obtained during Radar Progress experiments to study the effects (the occurrence of extensive, faintly luminous regions and a decrease in plasma concentration) arising from a release of fuel-combustion products from spacecraft engines into the upper atmosphere of the Earth. Analysis of the results of controlled experiments on the injection of “plasma-quenching” compositions into the ionosphere at orbital altitudes indicates that the observed increase in [OI] 630.0-nm intensity in the Radar Progress experiments as a consequence of chemical modification of the ionosphere. The contribution of various components of the injected substance (H2, OH, Н2О, CO, and СО2) to the increase in the intensity of atomic oxygen [OI] luminescence at a wavelength of 630.0 nm and to a change in the concentration of the charged component of the upper atmosphere is considered. It is shown that the change in the luminescence intensity and the concentration of the charged component are due to different chemical reactions. The largest contribution to the increase in luminescence intensity is made by the injection of hydrogen and carbon dioxide into the atmosphere, while the decrease in the concentration of plasma particles is mainly caused by the injection of water vapor. It has been found that the characteristic spatiotemporal scales of luminous regions occurring in the upper atmosphere allow them to be recorded by modern spectrophotometric equipment from the Earth’s surface without additional information about the time of ignition of the spacecraft engines.


由于人为活动,在较低的热层高度短期增加原子氧[OI]的发射强度630.0 nm的影响


本文研究了在雷达进展实验中获得的光学观测结果,以研究航天器发动机的燃料燃烧产物释放到大气的高层大气中所产生的效果(广泛的发光区域的出现和血浆浓度的降低)。地球。对在轨道高度向电离层注入“等离子猝灭”组合物的对照实验结果的分析表明,由于电离层的化学修饰,在雷达进展实验中观察到的[OI] 630.0 nm强度增加。(注入的物质的各种组件H的贡献2,OH,Н 2 О,CO,和СО 2)考虑到在630.0 nm波长处原子氧[OI]发光强度的增加以及上部大气中带电组分浓度的变化。结果表明,发光强度和带电组分浓度的变化是由于不同的化学反应引起的。通过向大气中注入氢和二氧化碳,可以最大程度地提高发光强度,而等离子体颗粒浓度的下降主要是由注入水蒸气引起的。