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Geomorphology of Naples and the Campi Flegrei: human and natural landscapes in a restless land
Journal of Maps ( IF 1.9 ) Pub Date : 2020-06-01 , DOI: 10.1080/17445647.2020.1768448
Alessandra Ascione 1 , Pietro P.C. Aucelli 2 , Aldo Cinque 1 , Gianluigi Di Paola 3 , Gaia Mattei 2 , Maria Ruello 1 , Elda Russo Ermolli 1 , Nicoletta Santangelo 1 , Ettore Valente 1


Naples and its surroundings are a very young landscape, originated from 40 ka in response to strong and explosive volcanic processes, which created the Campi Flegrei, one of the largest volcanic fields of the world. Despite the repeated and continuous volcanic activity, this territory was selected for human settlements since Neolithic times and hosted some of the most important Greek and Roman towns in the Mediterranean area (e.g., Cuma, Parthenope, Neapolis, Baia and Puteoli). Geoarcheological data and historical chronicles testify to human coexistence with eruptions, bradyseismic ground motions, coastline changes, floods and landslides. With the aim of describing the geomorphological evolution of this area to a wide audience, including also non-experts, we constructed a synthetic geomorphological map of the area and sketches that synthesise the main stages of the geomorphological evolution of the historical centre of Naples and the coastal belt of the Gulf of Pozzuoli during the last millennia.




那不勒斯及其周围地区是一个非常年轻的景观,起源于40 ka,是对强烈和爆炸性火山作用的反应,它创造了Campi Flegrei,这是世界上最大的火山场之一。尽管进行了反复不断的火山活动,但自新石器时代以来,该领土仍被选为人类住区,并拥有地中海地区一些最重要的希腊和罗马城镇(例如库马,帕特诺佩,尼阿波利斯,拜亚和普图利)。地质考古数据和历史纪事证明了人类与喷发,缓震地动,海岸线变化,洪水和山体滑坡并存。为了向广大读者(包括非专家)描述该地区的地貌演变,
