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The Turin fluvial terraces as evidence of the new Holocene setting of the Po River
Journal of Maps ( IF 1.9 ) Pub Date : 2020-06-01 , DOI: 10.1080/17445647.2020.1768447
M. Gabriella Forno 1 , Franco Gianotti 1


A detailed geomorphological mapping of the Po River fluvial terraces into Turin was performed through a field survey. Although Turin is crossed by the Po River, most of the town is built on the extended alpine outwash fans linked to its tributaries (essentially fed by the Dora Riparia Basin), made by 20–60 m thick gravel with sand lenses, or on erosional terraces (T1 and T2) shaped by the Po River into these sediments. Only a small sector of the town is built on a narrow belt formed by thin soft sand deposited by the Po, forming depositional terraces (T3 and T4) entrenched in the alpine fans. This research allowed us to recognize three steps in the geological evolution of the area: the construction of the alpine fans (Last Glacial Maximum), the first flow of the Po River that erodes the tributary sediments (Lateglacial-Holocene) and the deposition by Po River (Holocene).




通过实地调查,对波河河流阶地到都灵进行了详细的地貌测绘。尽管都灵与波河相望,但该镇的大部分地区都建立在与支流相连的延伸的高山冲刷扇上(主要由多拉里帕里亚盆地供养),由20–60 m厚的砾石和沙粒制成,或者是侵蚀性的由Po河形成的阶地(T1和T2)进入这些沉积物中。镇上只有一小部分建在一条狭窄的地带上,该地带是由Po沉积的薄软沙形成的,形成了根植于高山扇中的沉积阶地(T3和T4)。这项研究使我们能够认识到该地区地质演化的三个步骤:高山扇的构造(最后冰川期),
