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Structure theorems for singular minimal laminations
Journal für die reine und angewandte Mathematik ( IF 1.2 ) Pub Date : 2020-06-01 , DOI: 10.1515/crelle-2018-0036
William H. Meeks III 1 , Joaquín Pérez 2 , Antonio Ros 2

We apply the local removable singularity theorem for minimal laminations [W. H. Meeks III, J. Pérez and A. Ros, Local removable singularity theorems for minimal laminations, J. Differential Geom. 103 (2016), no. 2, 319–362] and the local picture theorem on the scale of topology [W. H. Meeks III, J. Pérez and A. Ros, The local picture theorem on the scale of topology, J. Differential Geom. 109 (2018), no. 3, 509–565] to obtain two descriptive results for certain possibly singular minimal laminations of 3. These two global structure theorems will be applied in [W. H. Meeks III, J. Pérez and A. Ros, Bounds on the topology and index of classical minimal surfaces, preprint 2016] to obtain bounds on the index and the number of ends of complete, embedded minimal surfaces of fixed genus and finite topology in 3, and in [W. H. Meeks III, J. Pérez and A. Ros, The embedded Calabi–Yau conjectures for finite genus, preprint 2018] to prove that a complete, embedded minimal surface in 3 with finite genus and a countable number of ends is proper.



我们将局部可移动奇点定理应用于最小化叠层[W. H. Meeks III,J。Pérez和A. Ros,最小化叠层的局部可移动奇点定理,J。Differential Geom。103(2016),第 [2,319–362]和局部图片定理在拓扑学上的规模[W. H. Meeks III,J。Pérez和A. Ros,关于拓扑规模的局部图像定理,J。Differential Geom。109(2018),第 3,509-565],以获得某些可能的两个描述性结果的奇异最小叠片3。这两个全局结构定理将在[W. H. Meeks III,J。Pérez和A. Ros,经典最小曲面的拓扑和索引上的界限,预印本[2016],以获得索引的界限以及固定类和有限拓扑的完整,嵌入式最小曲面的末端数在3,并在[W. H. Meeks III,J。Pérez和A. Ros,有限类的嵌入式Calabi–Yau猜想,预印本,2018年),以证明在3 具有有限的属并且末端数目可观是适当的。