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The fatal case of an autochthonous heartworm disease in a dog from a non-endemic region of south-eastern Slovakia
Helminthologia ( IF 1.1 ) Pub Date : 2020-05-23 , DOI: 10.2478/helm-2020-0023
M Miterpáková 1 , H Zborovská 2 , B Bielik 2 , M Halán 3

Summary During the past few years, several localities with increasing Dirofilaria immitis occurrences have been identified in Slovakia; particularly in areas regarded as endemic for Dirofilaria repens up until now. In terms of that, dogs with clinically manifested heartworm disease have been referred to the veterinary ambulances more frequently. We report in this study, two autochthonous cases of D. immitisinfections diagnosed in two seven-year-old siblings of Tibetan Mastiff dogs from the Košice region of south-eastern Slovakia. The course of the disease in both dogs were very different. The female dog did not manifest any unusual findings, however the male dog exhibited severe clinical signs of heartworm disease that lead to his death. The subsequent autopsy revealed adult D. immitis worms in the right heart ventricle and pulmonary arteries.



总结 在过去几年中,斯洛伐克发现了几个犬恶丝虫发生率增加的地区;尤其是在迄今为止被认为是恶丝虫流行的地区。在这方面,临床上表现出心丝虫病的狗更频繁地被转介到兽医救护车上。我们在这项研究中报告了两例来自斯洛伐克东南部科希策地区的藏獒犬的 7 岁兄弟姐妹中诊断出的两例本地犬瘟热感染病例。两只狗的病程非常不同。母狗没有表现出任何异常发现,但公狗表现出严重的心丝虫病临床症状,导致其死亡。随后的尸检显示右心室和肺动脉中有成虫 D. immitis 蠕虫。