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A Clinical Randomized Controlled Trial of Acupuncture Treatment of Gastroparesis Using Different Acupoints
Pain Research and Management ( IF 2.9 ) Pub Date : 2020-04-27 , DOI: 10.1155/2020/8751958
Wu Xuefen 1 , Li Ping 1 , Liu Li 1 , Chen Xiaoli 1 , Zenghui Yue 1

Objective. To explore the effect of “selecting acupoints by site” on the synergy effect of “acupoint compatibility” according to the clinical efficacy of acupuncture treatment of patients with gastroparesis. Methods. A total of 99 patients who met the diagnostic criteria for gastroparesis were enrolled in 3 clinical centers and randomly divided into group A (33 cases), group B (33 cases, 1 case of shedding), and group C (33 cases, 1 case of shedding). In group A, acupuncture was performed at Zhongwan (CV 12) and Zusanli (ST 36); in group B, acupuncture was performed at Neiguan (PC 6) and Zusanli (ST 36); in group C, acupuncture was performed at nonacupoint and Zusanli (ST 36). Treatment was performed for 30 minutes every day, 5 days as a course of treatment. There were 2 days off between courses and three courses in total. Differences in a main symptom index of gastroparesis (GCSI) scores, 9 symptom scores, and a health questionnaire (SF-36) were compared between each group before and after treatment and 4 weeks after the end of treatment. The difference of gastric emptying rate was compared before and after treatment. Results. The GCSI scores of each group after treatment and at follow-up were significantly lower than those before treatment (), and the reduction in group A was greater than that of groups B and C (). The score of each symptom was meaningfully lower than that before treatment ( or ). The effect was best in group A, followed by group B. After treatment, the barium meal in the stomach of the three groups was significantly reduced compared with before treatment (). There was no statistical difference between the groups. The results of SF-36 showed that acupuncture treatment can improve health status, to a certain extent, and there was no significant difference in the three groups. Conclusion. (1) Acupuncture is an effective method for the treatment of gastroparesis. (2) The combination of Zhongwan (CV 12) with Zusanli (ST 36) showed the most promising effect on relief of the symptoms in patients with gastroparesis. (3) “Selecting acupoints by site” is the key factor affecting the synergy effect of “acupoint compatibility.” This trial was registered with the International Center for Clinical Trials (registration no. NCT02594397).



目标。根据针刺治疗胃轻瘫患者的临床疗效,探讨“按部位选择穴位”对“穴位相容性”协同效应的影响。方法。符合胃轻瘫诊断标准的99例患者被纳入3个临床中心,随机分为A组(33例),B组(33例,脱落1例)和C组(33例,1例)脱落)。在A组中,在中湾(CV 12)和祖三里(ST 36)进行针灸。B组在内关(PC 6)和祖三里(ST 36)进行针刺。在C组中,在非穴位和足三里穴进行针刺(ST 36)。每天进行30分钟的治疗,疗程为5天。课程与课程之间总共有2天的假期,共有3门课程。比较两组治疗前后,治疗结束后4周的胃轻瘫主要症状指数(GCSI),9项症状评分和健康问卷(SF-36)的差异。结果。治疗后和随访时每组的GCSI评分均显着低于治疗前(), A组的降低幅度大于B和C组()。每种症状的得分均显着低于治疗前(或的得分A组效果最佳,其次是B组。治疗后,三组胃中的钡餐较治疗前明显减少()。两组之间无统计学差异。SF-36的结果表明,针灸治疗可以在一定程度上改善健康状况,三组之间无显着差异。结论。(1)针灸是治疗胃轻瘫的有效方法。(2)中丸(CV 12)与足三里(ST 36)的组合对减轻胃轻瘫患者的症状表现出最有希望的效果。(3)“按部位选择穴位”是影响“穴位相容性”协同效应的关键因素。该试验已在国际临床试验中心注册(注册号NCT02594397)。