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Robust and scalable manifold learning via landmark diffusion for long-term medical signal processing
bioRxiv - Bioinformatics Pub Date : 2020-07-21 , DOI: 10.1101/2020.05.31.126649
Chao Shen , Yu-Ting Lin , Hau-Tieng Wu

Motivated by analyzing long-term physiological time series, we design a robust and scalable spectral embedding algorithm, coined the algorithm RObust and Scalable Embedding via LANdmark Diffusion (ROSELAND). The key is designing a diffusion process on the dataset, where the diffusion is forced to interchange on a small subset called the landmark set. In addition to demonstrating its application to spectral clustering and image segmentation, the algorithm is applied to study the long-term arterial blood pressure waveform dynamics during a liver transplant operation lasting for 12 hours long.


