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Determination of optimum insulation thickness by life cycle cost analysis for residential buildings in Turkey
Science and Technology for the Built Environment ( IF 1.7 ) Pub Date : 2020-06-16 , DOI: 10.1080/23744731.2020.1776066
Nusret Aydin 1 , Atilla Biyikoğlu 2

The main objective of this study is to determine the optimum insulation thickness of residential buildings in Turkey, under the influence of cooling and heating loads by life cycle cost analysis (LCCA). Five-storey apartment building with an Area/Volume ratio (A/V) of 0.40 m−1 and 10-storey apartment building with an A/V ratio of 0.32 m−1 are taken as reference buildings. The annual energy needs are calculated according to TS 825 standard for heating and TS EN ISO 13790 standard for cooling. Natural gas is used for heating and electricity is used for cooling. LCCA based on the total cost approach is performed for 30 years. Optimum insulation thicknesses (U-values) based on climate regions are calculated between 10.5 cm and 17.3 cm (0.30–0.19 W/m2 K) for wall, 17.5 cm and 26.8 cm (0.24–0.16 W/m2 K) for ceiling, 6.0 cm and 9.8 cm (0.49–0.32 W/m2 K) for floor. When compared with the limit values specified in TS 825, it has been determined that the energy savings provided by an insulated building using optimum insulation thicknesses vary between 12.9% and 21.5% according to the region. As a result, it is concluded that the limit U-values should be revised for all regions specified in the TS 825.



这项研究的主要目的是通过生命周期成本分析(LCCA)确定制冷和供暖负荷影响下土耳其住宅建筑的最佳隔热厚度。面积/体积比(A / V)为0.40 m -1的五层公寓楼和A / V比为0.32 m -1的10层公寓楼作为参考建筑物。根据TS 825加热标准和TS EN ISO 13790冷却标准计算年度能源需求。天然气用于加热,电力用于冷却。基于总成本法的LCCA执行30年。计算得出的基于气候区域的最佳绝缘厚度(U值)在10.5 cm至17.3 cm(0.30–0.19 W / m 2K)用于壁,17.5厘米和26.8厘米(0.24-0.16瓦/米2 K)为上限,6.0厘米和9.8厘米(0.49-0.32瓦/米2 K)为地板。与TS 825中指定的极限值进行比较时,已确定使用最佳隔热厚度的隔热建筑所提供的节能量根据地区而在12.9%和21.5%之间变化。因此,得出的结论是,应针对TS 825中指定的所有区域修改极限U值。
